Mille Lacs Jan 12 – 15th

  • superstar
    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207

    Just got back from Mille Lacs, the fishing would be better if I could have reached the flats from the south. There is a crack just north of the gravel bar and 4 & 5 mi. gravel, it streches east/west pretty far. I didn’t bring boards to cross but is crossable. So regulated to fish the rock/gravel wasn’t so bad, all ‘eyes caught were between 21″ & 25″ no eaters found. Perch were hot & heavy 16′ (top side of break) of water Gold 1/8 spoon and fathead, mornings and just before dark seemed best. Got one bonus fish, 36″ pike on med/light takle. I got to actually observe (sight-fish) walleyes and perch in 16’ of water during low light hours on the rocks. The walleye’s were very “spooky” when they observed my spoon, if you kept the spoon stationary they were interested but still not convinced, when givin a slight jig they scattered like cats in the night. All my ‘eyes came from a plain hook and rainbow just off the bottom.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148


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