Pool 8 Slab Stompin’ 1/13/07

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Justin P., a couple friends, and I were out on pool 8 all day today and we had an absolute blast..the first spot produced some really small crappies with 4 or 5 good keepers coming in. We decided to make a quick move and this was the right decision. We proceeded to fish in 15 feet of water and slaughtered crappies consistantly for the entire day. Crappies would come in and smash a small plastic, and wouldn’t hesitate to inhale a sweedish pimple or forage minnow. Little mics were also producing fish with no added meat necessary. From sun up to about 4:20, we ended up taking home 68 fish for the 4 of us. However we were playing catch and release for the last couple hours. We easily could have each kept our limit but we chose to be more selective and keep bigger fish. All in all, it was an AWESOME day! The ice is forming quickly and nicely. the first spot had 6″ of ice on it, and the second where we caught the majority of our fish had 2″ of ice.

    Good luck on the ice!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Justin and I with some nice crappies and The whole fish fry.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    hmm…this might be enough for a fish fry

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Jordan and LaVell caught fish all day long too! (jordan managed 5 keepers )

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    last one- heres me with an early morning slab.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Thanks for the report Cade and nice slabs… Would not mind getting into a bunch of those myself…Made me hungry for a fish fry now…

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 172

    that crap was fun, call jordan’s house at 7842213 so we can talk about tomorrow

    Posts: 2

    yeah dude that was the sweetist stuff ever. I am definately coming back soon

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Thats alot of fish Cade. Looks like you guys had fun. Was thinking about trying to find some backwater fish on pool 2 in the near future. Never tried this before. What types of areas do you guys look for your panfish in?

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    These areas are deep, stagnant areas with lots of structures available there are some weeds, but not much. Mostly wood cover and muck bottom. The crappies will suspend all over the place and using a marcum flasher is the ticket for figuring where to put the bait. Find humps or secondary drop offs with significance and if theres something hidden within like a tree or weed patch, all the better. crappies seem to like to isolate themselves by hovering all over the water collumn, unlike the perch and bluegills that generally seem to call bottom their home. I catch crappies at times, only 5 feet below the ice in 35 feet of water. Electronics are key. The spot we are fishing is great, you can drop your jig all the way to the bottom and catch gills, or you can fish crappies. Either way you will catch crappies anyway…good luck getting the jig to the bottom before one smacks it
    Other areas to try are vast backwaters with abundant weeds. Shallow 3-8 ft areas are great for monster bluegills. Find channels that run through shallow weeds and these places hold fish. at Stoddard, a small twn in WI and a popular ice fishing hole, you can see all the major channels from the road..Wherever you can’t see vegetation penetrating through the ice, There seems to be a channel. These are great places to start. Let me get on google maps and see If I can find you some high potential areas for your pool
    Hope this helps

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    Looks like you guys built some meomories today.

    Thanks for the report.

    Becareful out there we are making some ice now, just watch the thin stuff..

    Good luck looks like fun.

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902


    The crappies will suspend all over the place and using a marcum flasher is the ticket for figuring where to put the bait.

    why does this have to be a marcum? wouldn’t any flasher do the trick? do you have a sponsorship that we don’t know about here?

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    This is the product I back and use. I’m not sponsored by them, but that doesn’t mean I can’t talk about them. If you don’t like what I write, please refrain from reading it, and especially posting negative comments under my post

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872



    The crappies will suspend all over the place and using a marcum flasher is the ticket for figuring where to put the bait.

    why does this have to be a marcum? wouldn’t any flasher do the trick? do you have a sponsorship that we don’t know about here?

    Anyone who knows anything about flashers will tell you, Marcum flashers are the cat’s meow for finding BIG Crappies….

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2973

    Ummm Cade…I think he was making a joke……..
    It’s hard in a format such as this to notice humor..

    That being said…great day on the ice there guy !!
    Might have to try down south there this week….go’in up to the lake today….hope to do half as well

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    People talk or refer to what they were/are using which is how a brand name comes up. I personally have a Vexilar FL8SE and love it. Its not as fancy as some of the real new Vexilars and Marcums but for the shallower waters that I mostly fish it does a great job for me. My underwater camera is a Marcum and my hand held sonar is a Marcum LX-i. Cade is young and was finally able to buy a Marcum LX3 and is ticked pink to have it. What kid who fished for years on the ice and didn’t own one wouldn’t be. Thats all whats thats about. We are ALL kids inside, some of us kids are just stuck in older bodies [lol], and I know I certainly get excited about new fishin toys. I recently traded a boat that was my dream boat for many years and for years I figured I would of never been able to afford one like that [and compared to alot of my friends that boat was small as only 16 1/2 ft] for an Alumacraft 17 1/2 ft boat thats not quite as fancy for features but has a huge front casting platform which is something I have always wanted and has a different layout inside which will work better for my multispieces fishing that I have been doing the last couple years [don’t just chase ”only” walleyes anymore] and being that I traded late in the year, which mean’t not alot of use before putting it away, you will find me acting like a little kid locked in a candy store come spring when I can get it out and use it alot. I know I even hate reading an article where ”every” product used is mentioned by name and model number but in reading what someone used [not every item] is how I can gather information on how these products really work. Knowing the pros and cons about different products is how I can have a better chance of buying the right product for doing what I want/need it to do. Theres only so much money and buying the right item the first time sure helps me to be happy with what I spend my money on. Sorry about being so long winded here. Guess I even get excited about talking about products. lol. Yep, inside still just a kid who loves to fish and talk fishin. Will I ever grow out of it? I sure hope not. Didn’t mean to bore ya but I’m a kid too.
    Thanks, Bill

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    and being that I traded late in the year, which mean’t not alot of use before putting it away, you will find me acting like a little kid locked in a candy store come spring when I can get it out and use it alot.

    Oh no, another late snow storm

    Looks like you young feller’s had fun

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    no that was just a joke cade i just found that funny that it had to be a marcum flasher to find fish. i understand where your coming from and plan on buying a marcum for a flasher, i was just humored to see this in there. the thing about the sponsorship was also a joke i know that you back your product well and you have good reason to

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    alright, thanks for clearing that up Nick

    Today was substantially slower. Tried a number of different spots. Caught some pretty nice crappies and a few real bull gills out of deep water but action was spotty. I really think I would have done better if it weren’t for the massive shad schools constantly moving through I probably could have kept close to a limit, of course I didn’t keep any, but donated several good fish to my uncle, as this was his first time ice fishing in many years. Places we checked included camp 22, and Lauderdale. Lauderdale had 2″ of ice max on it…it was pretty thin but no cracking unless you stood too close together I had a nice gill break off at the hole, but other than that..nothing. The shad were thick in there, making it tough to see whats going on down there on my Lx-3. Did I mention I was using my Marcum LX-3?

    I did meet quite a few people out there today, including belgianbuctail, Rkd-Jim, talked to AmWatson for a bit, and Ross B. from gander mtn. it was a fun time on the ice with a few fish around to be caught!
    Good luck on the ice.

    Posts: 5130

    Fishing with a Vexilar is like playing video games on an Atari

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    Oh boy, here we go!!!

    Must have been an LX-5 that ran you off

    Posts: 813

    Fished at the gravel pit today and got to meet Cade this morning and we got to talk a little this afternoon as he was leaving and I was heading back out. Cade, you missed all the fireworks after you left. About 2:30 a dog went into the water by the soft spot where that spring is. The dog couldn’t get out of the water so the owner thought he could get him. Bad choice. As he begin to crawl out, you guessed it…he went in head first and the problems really began. Nobody had a rope and luckily the guys buddy ran into the woods and found about a 2O ft stick and was able to crawl out and get the stick to him and after about a minute or two they finally pulled him out. He was getting really panicky and I believe this guy was a couple of minutes, maybe less away from a real disaster happening. He was in tough shape when he got out. I hope they went right to the ER with him. He was very, very lucky to get out. Back to fishing. We did catch about 10 nice crappies and ‘gills for the frying pan.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    yeah I heard about that. thats some crazy stuff! There was open water where the guy went thru just yesterday, so i believe it. People need to be careful and throwing a ball to your dog on that thin of ice is asking for trouble I’m really glad the guy made it out ok, And thank god that spot is so close to a great hospital with the way the forcast is shaping up, looks like we may be making a run at it tomorrow Nice meeting you belgian

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Yep, thats what I hear…

    Posts: 813

    He did, it basically climb up the back of the guy it looked like.

    Posts: 813

    I fished today at Camp 22 for most of the morning and into the early afternoon with mixed results. Fishing was slow but when you did catch one it was usually a nice ‘gill. Ended up talking enough home for a nice meal tonight. I don’t know if the weather change had a big effect but it was plenty cold with more cold days in the forecast. Pictured is my son with one of our better crappies from our Sunday AM outing.

    Posts: 5130

    The little guy looks like he is having a blast
    That crappie looks great too

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Nice fish belgian…I wish I would have gotten over there earlier…I caught a few nice fish when I first got their on Sunday but it died shortly after I wish the shad weren’t in there so thick!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Nice crappie, even a better picture

    I heard 22 was packed Sunday.

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