Sad Sight

  • burbob
    Posts: 364

    A few buddies and I went out of Rockmans a few week ago and saw something that I just don’t understand. When driving in we noticed garbage all over the ice in an area that a portable had been set up the night before. There were pop cans, candy wrappers, cigar boxes, and 3 or 4 small perch left on the ice. We stopped and cleaned everything up and I even tried to get a fillet off of the small perch, but I don’t understand how someone could justify packing up and just leaving all of that garbage scattered on the ice. Where do these people think their junk goes when they leave it?

    On a more positive note I also need to mention that service at Rockmans was great. He found us a place to park our big ugly camper and also put us on a some nice walleyes.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I needed to vent a little

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I have been seeing the same on the eastside. Some idiot left 12 beer cans, broken tie downs and three small perch on the ice. If your going to leave your garage on the ice, please stay home. Sell your ice fishing stuff and get out of the sport.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Man, that sucks! That was very nice of you to clean it up! It was certainly not your responsibility. Guys like that SUCK. people think cigarrette butts are harmless too, but every little bit contributes to the big picture…I find small gills on the ice all the time and that really makes me MAD also.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    I frequently run into the same thing when hunting.
    This has certainly been one of the disrespectful actions that has caused private property owners to no longer allow hunters on their property.
    I always make a point of picking up litter AND spent shotgun shells.
    I also explain why I’m doing it if my kids are with me!
    Good luck

    Brooklyn Center MN
    Posts: 181

    Thank You for cleaning up the mess,

    This is what we need to teach the kids, not to do
    Sad that people would do that but Sportsmen like us will keep the fishing open for all. Once again it is a few the ruin it for all.


    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2442

    Good work Robbie! Those perch were small but they sure were tasty As for the garbage that was a noble act on your behalf

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Would’nt you just hate to see some of these slobs homes.
    It seems everytime we go out on the ice someone has left behind some of there garbage,cans,bottles,wrappers etc. It is just plain out disgusting,sickening.
    This last summer bait casting I snagged someones left behind mess of line. Made a mess out of my set up for a little bit but I was glad that I now had what they left behind so I could dispose of it properly before some type of wild life got intangled in it and suffered a painful death.. Some people need to learn a lesson on how to take care of there garbage..

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 341

    There is also additional mess below the ice. I hit a lake over by Mankato with my son last winter. We broke out a couple of existing holes that someone had left earlier in the day. When we put the Aquaview down we could see cans of beer scattered over the bottom below the ice. I was not happy… is just a sad sight followed by anger.

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221

    I would be happy to catch one of these litter bugs just once – just long enough to get a vehicle license number or to be able to contact law enforcement.

    The banks of the small streams I fish are constantly littered – all of the above, plus dirty baby diapers (NASTY!) and other junk. Lots of trash to dispose of…

    I keep a stash of Wal-Mart type shopping bags in my tackle boxes and truck for the junk.


    Posts: 102

    I think everyone has a pocket or four on their coats, when I polish off the Jack Links KC Masterpiece jerky, the wrapper goes in the pocket ’til I get home. Pop cans go in the vehicle, etc. Too bad the DNR agents can’t patrol all the lakes all the time. Does anyone know if they remind people when they check licenses to take their garbage with them?

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I have a 5gal bucket in the sled for garbage and carry bags in the boat. I picked up an empty heater box and filled it in less than 100 yard walk to my truck just a couple weeks ago.

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