Prior lake

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1037

    I’m headed out tomorrow after school to try my luck. Anyone heard anything? I will be on the bigger lake(lower I think). I will post some results afterward.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Haven’t heard much sounds like people are catching some, becareful out there, I know ice around the island east of sand point gets really thin, I wouldn’t be suprised if it was open.

    Looking forward to a report though, wish I could go, looks like I’m watching the little one instead Yeah they guys giving you crap about a girlfriend cutting into fishing, I can tell you a newborn is the worst for cutting into fishing time.

    Ever pickup that new flasher?

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    Jr, Did you catch any fish on Prior?
    Have you every fished thoes ponds north of town by the Hills.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1037

    We did alright on monday, it was pretty slow. Yesturday we caught some nice ones but not a ton of numbers. I’m not quite sure where your talking. The only lake that I’ve fished around here is Cobblestone, only had about an hour so we wanted somewhere really close.

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    THe ponds in the park by Cliff.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1037

    nope never fished them, I’ve always headed toward lakeville or hastings to fish.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 280

    Isn’t that Holland Lake over in Eagan?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Holland is a crazy lake! There are millions of sunnies in there.

    Also, some decent pike too.

    There are bigger gills in the lake, but you can’t get to them, all the little ones get in your way.

    However, if you want to take a kid ice fishing with unlimited action, Holland is the place to go!!!!

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 280

    Can anyone tell me what the regs. are on the trout.(Besides needing a trout stamp)(when does season open and for how long?) Thanks.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 43

    I was out again wed. & thurs. night. 9″ of ice on thursday. There is a big ice heave between sandpoint beach and the island…BE CAREFUL. Wednesday night was good fishing. Last night was really tough. Had a few small crappies and sunnies and only one nice crappie. The nice crappie was released.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 43

    I know that Lake Trout opener is tommorrow 1/13. Check out the MN DNR website, that should clear up any questions.

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