Big Sandy slabs,pics& more pics

  • Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Nice fish and great pics! What a blast that must have been!


    Posts: 5130

    Nice fish
    But, here is a little tip. Use the upload system built into THIS site. That way they are sized correctly and we do not have to see the same pics evcerytime you make a new post with pics Most of those pics have been posted at least 3 times in the last month.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Do you eat anything besides fish keith?

    Posts: 95

    Sorry about the redunancy.
    I’d like to say every weekend I get a new batch of picks ,but then I’ve added some old ones. Since this was a new thread I posted a bunch of the pics from this season so far .

    I do eat my fair share. I also have many old folks who can not get out anymore that love it when I knock on their door with a fresh batch of fillets still quivering.
    I’m up to around 500 slabs ,100 bulls,a few hogs for the year ice fishing.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I’m up to around 500 slabs, 100 bulls, a few hogs for the year ice fishing.

    You’ve kept 600+ fish so far this season?

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Thats why those area lakes are going to chit..

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    WOW!!! how many you got in the freezer? thats alot of fish. we haven’t had good ice long enough to catch that many fish, must be a real honey hole. derek does have a good point though. it don’t talk long to fish out a lake when the word gets out………….tom fellegy

    Posts: 6

    600 craps and bulls that makes me sick maybe you should try learning c.p.r.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    i hope it is not that many but I am assuming he means he has put that many through the whole but i wouldnt think he would keep that many so guessing that is what he means

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    He did mention hes feeding the neighborhood.

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 281

    You guys are leading each other down the wrong path. I think the way Keith worded that it came out a little wrong. I am sure he meant he has caught that many not that he has kept that many. Keith has too much respect for his home area and his fishing resources to do what you’re saying. That and don’t you think you would have to be the worlds dumbest poacher to get on the internet and tell the world you have that many fish in your possession? The only thing he is guilty of is seeing that mug of his to many times in a picture! lol

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I just assumed since he said he was giving them away.

    Posts: 95

    Thanks SandBurr for the benifit of the doubt.
    I catch tons of fish.I keep the 10 crappies I want to eat.
    I rarely keep any gills .I’ve tossed so many fish back it’s not funny.
    I get home & do not feel like fish cause I had them 2 days in a row ,I’ll give them to the elderly so they can have FRESH fish.
    Do you guys help out your older neighbors???????

    you know it really chaps my hide to see those of you who do not know me to jump on the band wagon of how I’m hurting this huge lake single handedly.
    Shame on you.
    If you want to know the truth a bunch of guys came up with an IDA er 2 weekends ago. My jig box was stolen & my FL-8 was partially disassembled.
    did I come hear to blast him,no!
    Alls I’m saying is if you have an issue with me,ask me .
    We are all in the same family right? Sportsmen!

    Posts: 95

    Upon further review,thats just what I’ve caught off of BSL.

    I caught 100 in 3 hours on Gun,250 on Waukenabo in 2 sittings.50 on French and another 50 on Rat.

    I threw every one of those back. I went to just catch ,not eat.

    I’ll also get 400-800 walleyes this year during open water & maybe eat 20.

    I’ve been ice fishing for the whole month of Dec.

    I’d like to remind you that when you assume you make an [censored] of yourself .

    Holst was right in asking the question.The rest of you (Dereck) need to apologise.The way a real man would when he saw his mistake!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    The only thing he is guilty of is seeing that mug of his to many times in a picture! lol

    I agree!!

    Thanks for clarifying Keith. I figured you’d have to be the dumbest poacher ever to come here post how many fish you’ve kept over the limit. I’m sure the guys who were poking at you will respond. However, the truth is they assumed(wrong on their part) and are thinking of the resource/s being raped. Which in the end is what is key for all of us. Protect the resource!!!

    BTW, thanks for sharing the pics!!!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Read your original post again.

    Your posting multiple stringer shots and mentioned your giving meat to many people that cant get out.

    I apologize for my assumptions.

    Ive got many hours logged on Gun lake. Anyone that fishes that lake knows those fish are not easy to catch. 100 fish in three hours is unbelieveable. Are they still decent sized?

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    CrappieKeith, It seems that you are a good hook. I must say that your pics and statement about donating your catch to the elders, in my mind makes it appear you are a fish hog. I dont go around shooting my limit of deer so I can give it to the guy nextdoor. Maybe I’m just jealous that you can catch all of those tasty fish, and I cant.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I’m gonna take you up on your claim of catching 50 fish in an hour on Gun lake in one hole. How does the weekend of Feb 3rd work for you?

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    What CrappieKieth is saying about ulta small gigs is simalal to what Derek Johnston wrote in artical “drop your fly”. Small can be effective.
    CrappieKieth If you want to promote your jigs its one thing, If you are trying to expose a fishery, I have a problem with that.
    It reminds me of when care 11 sent Belinda Jensen trout fishing on the Cannon catching 8lb Browns. Or when the DNR told the location and the lake of where these poachers caught a mess of 1lb sunnies. The artical was published in the Out Door news, the next day this sleeper lake had 500 people fishing on it thanks to the DNR and the out door News. This web site is like a news paper to the World, people need to be responsible and respectful about what they are tring to promote.

    Posts: 95


    it was my angst running my mouth!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Just booked a room at the 40 club in Aitkin Feb 2-3.

    Do you want to meet at Doug’s on Gun say 6am Sat morning?

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364


    You guy’s are killing me.
    Are you all so hardened to helping others to become better.
    Why is it all about me,me,me?

    I have to say nice fish Crappie Kieth…The only thing I can see is it all seems to be about “YOU” I think you need to come up with a different marketing stradegy for your jigs….

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814

    I think with Keith’s obvious skills in fishing and promoting himself, he should open his own website.

    Maybe a consulting firm showing bait storeowners what they should stock on their shelves???

    Good luck Keith with your future endeavors.

    Posts: 95

    Sorry guy’s I get a bit angry when my integrity gets questioned.
    I’ve gone and made myself a target.
    I regret all of the posts outside of the slab pics.
    I’m no better than anyone else here.I would like that known& I’ll be the 1st to admit my mistakes.
    I apologise for that.

    All I was trying to say & or show that on most days down sizing works for me.
    So I make this jig. woopee, a jig is a jig is a jig.
    Well I’m off my high horse.
    I can get those slabs,but not on Gun Dereck.
    They are so tiny there now.A few years ago Gun had some quality fish.
    Doug & his boy Rick which is a very good friend of mine can not find them anymore.
    I do not have the heart to go back when I can get mules on BSL.
    If I met you there Dereck it would only be to prove what I said earlier.Call Rick & ask him if it’s true. He fishes the same way I do now.He knows.
    I’d take you to BSL Dereck.
    I have no issue with that.
    I’m sorry to have seemed like a I’m the best in the world kind of guy.
    I’m a regular Joe,but I have figured something out.
    I was just trying to share it.
    Sorry to have made anyone feel like I was putting them down.It was not my intent.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Crappie Keith.. I think most of the statements were people worried about the future status of the fishery.. and get really nervous when they see someone catching numbers of fish on a regular basis, harvesting numbers on a regular basis… and then a bold statement of harvesting 500 fish in half a ice season.

    If you add all those together, it could be devistating to any fishery in the long run.. even if the fish go for a good cause.

    BSL is a big lake, but it could not support numbers of fish like that being harvested by several individuals for any period of time… Odds are, its another Red Lake situation on a smaller scale.. A really good year class of crappies for an exceptional fishery for a period of time.

    I only expect other fishermen to speak out for the resource overall.. but they should be careful how they express the situation. At the same time, everyone fishing, especially regularly has to treat the resource with the respect due.. no body of water can produce countless quality fish for an eternity without very careful selective harvest.

    I guarantee any direction you go, your always going to raise questions with people when a large number of fish bein harvested becomes the center of attention.

    This post/statement I have made if from a neautral spot. I am not going to make any comment that things are right or wrong.. the fact is I really dont know and I wont make any assumption or statement that could fuel assumptions of incriminating your actions, or proving your innocent of the accusations.

    Assumptions sure create a lot of controvery. I like to eat fish myself, so does some other family members that dont fish.. I have no problem handing a few fillets over to family/friends with desire to eat fish personally… that doesnt mean I am running a food shelf, and I think it would be unfair to assume that you are keeping fish just becuase you landed it and its of *keeper size*.

    I think you have been catching some really nice crappies in your area.. there is my opinion.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    We can still plan on Gun. Maybe split the day up? The crappies have crashed on Gun but I think I can still find those 11 inch bulls.

    Posts: 95

    I believe they are nice because of the food availble to them being in the flowage.
    Red lake’s production has wained due to the thousands hitting it.
    I’ve been seeing nice fish there for 10 years at BSL now so I do not believe it is a certain year class that’s being caught.

    My ideal eater is a 10″ crappie.
    I guess I did not know 500 was making a bold statement.
    It’s normal for me to get 25-100 in a day.I’ll keep a few nice ones & toss the rest back.So to fish both sat & sun plus a few night throughout the week 500 is a normal number to me for a month.Some weekends I’d do that in 2 days of 6 hours a sitting.The barometer being down or moving really helps.
    I’ve already released 2- 17’s this year as I can not afford to mount them & if I had wanted to it would have been a graphite mount so as to keep the breeders in the water still passing on their genetics.

    As to the food shelf idea,I believe I’ve given maybe 3 full limits of crappies away.
    When it comes to the gills I think I’ve culled all but 5.
    The photo of the 11″ was 1 of my friends using my jig. I’d have released that 1 as well.
    I know of other lakes were I’ve caught 12″ blue gills & have released all of them to fight another day.

    There are many days that I’ve let everything go.
    I do not believe that I am out of line with what a good sportsman who cares about our watershed would do.

    I can see that from now on I’ll really have to explain myself posting photos or just not put up the pictures.

    I thought by simply posting the pics that I’d get some questions on how to get them.
    Then the door opens to teach,instead I just made trouble for myself.
    Again to say that I’m down sizing without the aid of minnow or waxies.Just hair & a hook with a lead head.
    A spring bobber to read the light hits & a locator to mark the fish which as you know allows you to read the mood for that day.Getting rid of the cork also allows me to work the whole water column & lifting the fish to the ceiling to entice the strike.
    Thanks Fisher Dave for giving me an oppertunity to answer without the bash attached.
    I’m new to these fishing sites & after this last expierence I’ll be better prepared to make proper posts.

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