Do Ice Scratcher Boats Really Work?????

  • bcwilliams
    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I’m thinking of building one of these and wanted to get some feedback from others who have use them. What happens when you break through the ice??? How do you get the boat back onto the ice without getting wet feet???

    “This is what every fisherman should have. No more walking or driving on the ice and the risk of breaking through with your vehicle. If you break through the ice, this ice scratcher(boat) will float and keep your hiney out of the freezing water. It is a 14 foot flat bottom boat on skies powered by a 6 1/2 horse engine that runs a 2 foot spiked wheel that pushes the boat across the ice. It travels approx. 25 MPH now but you can gear it easily to go faster or slower. I use it on the Mississippi backwaters on the frozen sloughs and lakes. It’s great when you need to travel a long distance on early or late ice or any ice for that matter. It can haul 3-4 adults and gear easily.”

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    PM Herb, he may not be checking the board, but I know he’s got one.

    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    I tried searching for Herb but no luck. Can you send me a link to one of his posting.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Looks like herb is selling off his scratcher stuff. See this link >>>> Scratcher

    Do they work? Yes!


    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I rode in one of these many years ago in the Prairie du Chien area. The person who owned it passed away many years ago and I have no idea what happened to the boat. The one he had had was much simpler than the one in your photos with the running rails attached to the bottom of the boat if I remember correctly. There was not nearly as much framing on his. It did cruise along at a pretty good clip but was not exactly the easiest thing to steer when there was snow on the ice.


    Chisago County
    Posts: 23

    He must have got it stuck a few times ;}

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Looks like a neat idea! I’ve never seen anything like it here in Nebraska before.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    What happens if it breaks through is a good question

    I dont know the answer, but I might guess it has something to do with breaking ice and trying to get to solid ice to skid it back on the surface!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve broke through in a scratcher 3 times. Each time we tied a rope to the front, stepped out of the scratcher since only the runner broke through, walked to the front of the scratcher to thicker ice and pulled.

    Posts: 4

    yes they work, i have one , but im not using it this year bought an air boat, $1000 if ya want it

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I would like first crack at looking at your boat and motor, where are you located-

    Posts: 4

    chesterfield michigan

    boat is a 12.5 lowe with a 13 hp motor new runners

    Posts: 187

    How does it work with snow on the ice? How much snow does it take before it won’t work well?

    Posts: 4

    had about 6-8 inches in some areas more in others , had to give allitle push to start , jump in and go

    La Crosse
    Posts: 155


    chesterfield michigan

    boat is a 12.5 lowe with a 13 hp motor new runners

    13 hp must fly, I run a 6.5hp on mine and it moves good!

    Posts: 4

    ya i can get 3 guys a cruse allong pretty good beats the h… out of walking and hurting my hip like 3 years ago fell pretty hard hurt for week.

    but it dosnt go as fast as the air bout i bought at the end of last year cant wait to use that

    Posts: 2

    will a old buzz saw blade work good for one of these rigs?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Not without modifications.

    Posts: 2

    thanks for the information. what do you mean weld extra studs to eachside of the blade?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011


    I’ve broke through in a scratcher 3 times. Each time we tied a rope to the front, stepped out of the scratcher since only the runner broke through, walked to the front of the scratcher to thicker ice and pulled. <img src=”; alt=”” />

    What happens if you break through thin ice over deep water and cannot exit boat? I would think you are done. Alive but going nowhere and requiring a rescue??

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