St. Cloud Area Ice

  • Fife
    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4040

    I just got back from Little Rock Lake. The lake had a consistent 9 inches everywhere that I checked. A guy was out checking the ice and he said there was 8-10 inches pretty much everywhere. I am sure the ice is thinner on the North end where the springs are.

    The fishing was bad. We usually fish one small area, but this year the fish are not there. I worked 100 yards in all directions from our spot without even marking a fish. I did get one very nice crappie on my tip up in 9 fow. I don’t know what happened to the billions of 6-10″ perch from last year either. I have fished this area for 7 years, and I can always atleast mark fish. I guess I will have to drill a ton more holes again next time.

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