Stoddard Parking Issue

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    If you are heading down to Stoddard, this is just a heads up. The cops are ticketing people that park along the guard rails on the highway in stoddard to go fishing. They say it’s too dangerous to have guys openning up their doors with cars going 55 on the highway. You can still park on the shoulder where there are no guardrails, but if you go past the Stoddard population sign, you also are screwed. You will see some temporary police order signs in the ground that say you can’t park there. The guy wouldn’t even let us pull over so we could drop me off. My dad wasn’t even parking, just letting me off with the sled to get on the ice. Instead, we had to go way down to the pull in near the rock wall to get out. Basically, With the new rules they are trying to enforce, Theres probably only enough room for around 35 cars max to legally park. Its bogus, but I can sort of see where it could be a hazard. Just a heads up, don’t park if you are not sure! You can get on the ice a little further south in the town of Stoddard if you need to, theres a small marina down there where a lot of people go out from the back roads. send me a PM if you need more info.

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    WOW it doestn’t even sound like it’s worth going down there right now. I had some sucess in goose for the last 45 minutes tonight i put 5 gills that went 8 and up. the ice was pretty thin but wasn’t cracking at all, the key was to get away from the mob of people. i think a road trip is in order for tomorrow.

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    north im thinking, doing a little exploring, im checking maps tonight but will see where i end up. I want to find a place without 100 people on the ice

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    The issue started off with garbage being left behind by people who just don’t care That is why the property owner fenced off. Plus, people used his gravel driveway to drop stuff off, then left ruts all the way out. If it would have been me…..I would have hung around more often to kick
    As far as parking on the HWY along guard rails, I wouldn’t do it I lived to be this old, I’m not ready to be takin’ out by someone not paying attention.
    I also believe the pressure in Stoddard is at its peak. I think the numbers of big gills this year is proof. I haven’t stop there this year for that reason alone. Guess I’m not a crowd guy The harder it is to get on it the less pressure it will receive. It will still get pounded in the spring by boats and guys willing to do a little work, but in the same breath give the pannies a break during winter!

    2 cents, make it 3

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Oh yeah, I totally agree, I like to find spots where the fish are biting without the crowd too. But Goose just didn’t sound great after how I did last saturday, and I didn’t have anywhere better to go. There were a couple time where I was about to flip up the Frabil and tell a copule kids to shut the **** Front Door! its a bit frustrating with kids running around and so many people hauling shanties back and fourth. The one time I thought i was gonna start wackin’ them, I was all by myself in a small channel between some arrowheads, and I guess something about that brand new black shanty out there attracted a mini city all around me. Needless to say the bite was toast after the first group came. Thats why I won’t be going back for a while, and its time to hit a couple secluded lakes and maybe 7th street for a while, provided theres good ice on them.

    Posts: 813

    What we need is some really bitter, cold weather. That will make the ice a lot better so people can spread out plus thin the crowds in half. That is a bit of a pet peve of mine also with kids. I have an eight year old son and I know when things get slow he wants to go outside and ram around on the ice. I tell him every time before we go that he needs fish because it is not fair to the other people around us if he is making noise. Actually, sometimes it is not the worst thing because they will push fish to other guys but I think it is more of courtesy thing. That’s why cell phones are great; call mom and she can pick him up when it’s time.

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    I went out for a little night bite last night and found there was know one else out there… I was out for about an hour and iced only 6 when the bite shut off completely I need more expirience in night fishing so if anyone could lend me some knowledge i would appriciate it

    La Crosse, Wisconsin
    Posts: 902

    One thing i found though was that glow jigs were the only thing they would hit on.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    I was under the impression from asking around stoddard that the no parking order was because of the mowing and brush cutting operations going on for those few days. With all the buisness generated by ice fishing there it would be in their best interest to some how accomadate parking and update things for tourists. Stoddard has not seen buisness from sportsmen like this for years they should take advantage of it in any way they can.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    They’d also do better in the long run if there were some special regulations put in place to halt the over-harvesting down there.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    More true statements could never have been said I bet this time of year, that the stoddard kwik trip gets almost as much business as the southside LAX kwik trip…Theres on average, probably 200 guys that go in and out of there per day, and sometimes, almost that many dudes there at one time in a day. I also would have to think that putting a nice baitshop somwhere down there would be highly beneficial.

    Blue, You are so correct with this statement. there are regulars that are keeping limits each and every day. And I have personally witnessed the same guys coming back and keeping them… With that many guys out there, it takes its toll fast. I can’t even imagine how phenomenal that area could be with proper management and care. I would not complain for a minute if the limit was reduced to 15 or even 10 in WI. It doesn’t kill the people from MN…I guess I’d say right now, that it would be nice if we could just drive our cars on there and catch some fish, like it was a few years ago. instead, we have open water at stoddard and there was nobody braving it yesterday

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    It would have also helped if the DNR would have finished the projects like they said they were going to do. There were to be 2 other sites rehabbed in the same fashion. This would have helped spread the pressure out.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 173

    Thank you President Bush for cutting the funding for this project and giving it to your brother

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Not even going to touch that

    I do know they moved some of the budgeted money over to the new Miss. Refuge plans. This was brought up in one of the open meetings! Why not attempt to finish what was started before moving on?

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I wish they would do some work at shady maple, 7th street, and a few other “Used to be awesome” holes that are turning to “average” places to fish. Culvert slough near 7th street landing used to be a gateway for all boats to get thru..I can squeak by on plane thru there but its not pretty when I hit that sandbar other areas near goose are the same way. CO’s and other people in power for these places are spending money and time in the wrong places if you ask me..Should we be so concerned about how many fish die in a bass tournament, or should we be concerned about keeping our river navigable? You decide….
    Ok i’m done now

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1089


    I wish they would do some work at shady maple, 7th street, and a few other “Used to be awesome” holes that are turning to “average” places to fish. Culvert slough near 7th street landing used to be a gateway for all boats to get thru..I can squeak by on plane thru there but its not pretty when I hit that sandbar other areas near goose are the same way. CO’s and other people in power for these places are spending money and time in the wrong places if you ask me..Should we be so concerned about how many fish die in a bass tournament, or should we be concerned about keeping our river navigable? You decide….
    Ok i’m done now

    How about this?
    Go to college, get a job with the Fed’s, work for the DNR, and make a difference where you see fit.

    Everyone loves to P&M about the DNR..

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2973

    I guess it all depends just how much money WE want to pay…..I guess
    1 thing is for sure…nothing ever stays them same.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I should have kept my mouth shut
    Not necessarily slamming the DNR..mostly just agreeing with Bret, and adding a little. I am very serious about what I said about the river becoming less navigable…Places like culvert slough need to be changed because there are so many people traveling through there, and its just plain un safe. also, lack of current going thru there because of the sandbar would cause problems further down in the pits..and its hectic down there. I don’t know much about what its like to be with the DNR but I do know that some of the most used areas of the river are not safe to travel through…like I said, “you decide” I guess if you do not agree, thats fine with me..

    On water
    Posts: 817


    I want to find a place without 100 people on the ice

    That sucks! Glad I’ve never had to experience that.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362


    How about this?
    Go to college, get a job with the Fed’s, work for the DNR, and make a difference where you see fit.

    Everyone loves to P&M about the DNR..

    Until there is a way to keep from moving funds around and a better way to budget for upcoming projects, all the education in the world will not help
    And this was in no way intended to be a DNR slam!
    I believe the Bush statement was the slam!!!


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