I wouldnt know how to give a honey hole on east rush.. I dont know how a person could pinpoint a location out there without the aid of gps coordinates. There is not a lot of structure, but there is a little bit of subtle structure. The previous post stating 16′ of water is about right for a place to start, that or deeper for the walleyes most of the time. The areas very close to the drop are usually best just about anywhere on the lake.. once you get into the featureless *bowl*.. pinpointing fish without drilling holes is impossible, but there are fish out there! Last winter I had a *hot spot* that consisted of about a 30′ perimeter, and a decent spot about 50′ away from there.. between it just about took a hand grenade to get fish.
Bite time is critical.. most of the action is happening right around sunset with a few stragglers later for the walleyes, every spot produces different action. A house 50′ away might get 4 at sunset while you get nothing, then they dont get squat while you reel in fish 45 minutes later.. tats fishing.
I didnt mean to be rude in the 1st post, I try to help as much as I can most of the time, but any one person can only do so much. Spend some time on the water and it will pay off.