when the ice cracks

  • amarble_eye
    Posts: 32

    heres the thing, i have read numerouse post about going through the ice but it all seems that it only occurs when the ice is thin which is true. what i want to know is that is it possible to go through the ice at about 5 inch of ice? i was out fishing and the ice was craking like every 10 to 20 seconds. and the ice was at 5 to 6 inches. and hears the thing, other people around me dont seem to be bothered. so i was just wondering if it is possible to crack open the ice at that thickness? please reply back. thanks…

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    There is always a chance to go threw the ice not knowing what the ice maybe around that 5 or so inches. But most people feel comfortable when there is a certain amount of ice. One of the things I have learned over the years is when driving on the ice drive slow,follow plowed roads or paths. park your vehicle or atvs a safe distance away from the house being they are heavier and if going to fall threw they do not take you and your house with them. I am sure there will be more advice but that is what I will say to help you out somewhat. But again no matter what the ice maybe there is always a chance out on it..

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Peng keep in mind that no ice is safe. Does not matter how thick it is. As the ice gets thicker the chances of falling threw should go down. 5″ is concidered safe to walk on but yes there is still a chance of falling threw.
    Cracking ice does not necessarily mean that the ice is failing. There are lots of reasons ice cracks. There where some interesting comments in the Mille lacs forum from Steve f. He talked about expanding and shrinking ice and the noise it makes along with a lot f other good info about ice conditions.

    It alway a good idea to take precautions before heading out on the ice. Rope and ice spikes for adding in getting out of the water are good items to take with. No one evers knows when they may fall threw.

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 152


    No one evers knows when they may fall threw.

    You mean I wear my trunks underneath for nothin’?!!

    Columbia Heights,MN
    Posts: 38

    One thing I have learned through the years is, there is GOOD moaning,groaning and cracking. Usually a more harder/solid sounding (hard to explain),but that’s usually ice being made.
    BAD moaning and groaning well, if you have ever heard a very, very large ship sink, that’s the sound I hate hearing on the ice. It is a much more earie gut turning sound.
    When they make you jump out of your skin, that’s good.
    When it moans for a long time and starts moaning your direction (like a minute or so), make sure your close to shore.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Peng, your not going to fall through 5″ of good clear ice.. but you can fall through 12″ of badly honeycombed(milky grey) ice. Clear ice is very strong, it loses some of its integrity as soon as you see any sign of air bubbles in the ice(very small bubbles). White ice is often frozen slush, and it can be pretty trong, but it can also be very weak.. never trust it, depend on the good clear ice underneath it. If its not good clear ice, its usually a pretty safe assumption the ice will have 1/2 the strength… So rather than 4″ of clear for walking/ice fishing, you should double that if its questionable ice.. or 8″.. if its damaged too bad, its not going to hold.

    Keep the greatest respect for ice always.. that water is cold under it. Its best not to mess around with damaged ice at all. The lakes will be packing on ice slowly but surely, its not going to be long before there is plenty of good ice everywhere. Dont get adventurous, and know exactly what you are walking on.. test as you go. Bring picks, a chisel and test the thickness every couple feet if you have any doubt.

    The cracking is due to freezing and flexing. Water expands as it freezes and it will crack to relieve the pressure. If the area is too large, it will create pressure heaves, and can also push ice up the banks pretty significantly. Ice also cracks when it flexes.. if your on a fair size or bigger lake on a windy day, or have a heavy object moving across the ice.. either will create a wave action and the ice will do some cracking. Snow piling up is heavy and can cause it also.

    Popping ice doesnt bother me too much but it still makes me jump when a crack runs under/near me! If you want to get really freaked out, have it happen when your drilling a hole in thick ice(over 12″) and a crack goes through your hole while drilling it.. that will send you to a cardiologist.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3149

    Always know what to do in the unlikely event of falling through. Watch this video to learn more. Surviving cold water!!

    Posts: 32

    thanks to all of your advice and info. now i feel much better knowing more about the ice.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Interestingly, MOST reports of going through the ice on Mille Lacs come from mid to late winter periods. It’s not uncommon for trucks/cars to go down with the ice being 15-30 inches thick during that period of the winter. So there is never safe ice per say.

    January/February have numerous nights of below zero and temps on those same days of mid 20’s to mid 30’s above. The “expansion crack” is most active during those months/days because of those big temp swings. Especially during late mornings, after a 20 degree or more temp rise, the “crack” will come together and buckle in one BIG split second motion. When it does that, the ice can/will shatter quite a few feet(5-20ft.) away or parallel to the “crack”. Those OUT’ER,secondary cracks are what usually give as you cross the MAIN crack. As you break through, the ice stands up in front of you as high as the distance is from the main crack to the out’er one, which caused you to break off. (It is not a pretty sight, especially at night when the water flies up into your headlight beams and a wall of ice is facing you–I know!)


    There is ALWAYS at least one “live” crack around ALL lakes. The bigger the lake…the more movement the crack will have.

    Away from the “expansion” cracks, ice noise is just that. The noise can be from ten miles away or under your feet. My brother and one of my kids had the ice heave UNDER the house while fishing in it. THAT was interesting! How lucky can one get? lol Worst part of that was he had to move the house off THE spot.

    Bottom line? Your walking/drving on water–and YOU ain’t God. Anything is possible…be ready and smart.

    Steve Fellegy


    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    What Steve states is very true. This year for instance the ice froze very close to 32 degrees. Then we had unseasonal warming. Think of what happens when you drop an ice cube into warmer water…..It cracks or expands…..and then shrinks when it gets cold again. Point is, its always changing. If you the last report of when Scott and I were out filming on Mille Lacs, he mentions a crack that had opened up an additional 2 feet. Its just important to know that the way you went out may not be safe on your way in.

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