need help

    marion IA
    Posts: 199

    Looking, for info on the the big lake for new years weekend. woundering if I can get a cabin and stay all night on the lake want to take the wife, so its got to be warm. never been up there so any help would be great.


    marion IA
    Posts: 199

    milacs sorry about that. also what kinda tackle would i need.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    It might be a little too late, but I would first try Hunters Point, they are a site sponsor and one of the best run resorts on the lake. Click on the banner in the upper right hand corner under minnesota fishing forums and then click on Mille Lacs.
    You could also try these

    Fishermans Wharf
    Chapmans in Isle
    Macs Twin Bay
    Rocky Reef
    Red Door
    these are a few, I’m sure others will chime in.
    As far as tackle, if the big houses are pulled out, they will have rattle wheels with a hook or jig under a bobber. If you want to jig, Contact BfishN Tackle on the home page and order some Go Devils jigging spoons. Other than that pimples, Buckshots, and other jigging spoons are commonly used. Good luck and let us know what you come up with and how the fishing was! Shoot me a pm if you have any other questions.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    We smacked around the walleyes good this past weekend on 1/8 oz. go devils and tip-ups with minnows stuck on glow red jig-a-bits.

    The go devils were good early and late in the day and took our largest walleye which taped in at 28″. The tip-ups were the way to go when the fish weren’t aggressive.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    What is a “jig-a-bit”?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hmmm…. I don’t have a pic handy and I can’t think of a comparable jig right off hand although I know I’ve purchased them under other product names. I wonder if Scott might bne able to help us out with a pic.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Here ya’ be. Minnows on jigs out-fished minnows on plain hooks to a rediculous degree. This type of jig also gave a very good hook-up percentage although I was bending the hook point to the side and out slightly to get a little more gap and a better angle after I missed a couple fish. That seemed to solve the problem for the very most part.

    Eden Prairie/Mille Lacs
    Posts: 228

    Appeldoorn’s is in Sunset Bay and it’s who we put our permanent out through. They’ve done a really nice job in fixing up all the facilities there and have sweet on-shore cabins. Like many other places, they have sleepers for rent as well. Good people to work with if you still need some options. Here’s their site for ya. Appeldoorn’s

    Posts: 125

    James, I was up fishing on lake Bemidji with my cousin last weekend and we got into a (friendly) argument about where to hook a minnow. Do you hook all minnows the same, or do you hook them differently depending on whether you are jigging or using a tip up? Also, what type of minnows were you using last weekend for eyes?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Thanks! AppleDoorns look good!!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, I was up fishing on lake Bemidji with my cousin last weekend and we got into a (friendly) argument about where to hook a minnow. Do you hook all minnows the same, or do you hook them differently depending on whether you are jigging or using a tip up? Also, what type of minnows were you using last weekend for eyes?

    On tip-ups hook them lightly under the skin behind the dorsal.

    When fishing minnows on a jig I fish them hooked through the lips from the bottom up… most of the time. I’ve caught a few fish tail hooking minnows on jigs through the ice but the percentages go with the lip hooked minnows.

    We used a variety. Fatheads, shiners and sucker minnows. In a variety of sizes. With 5 guys and 10 tip-ups we were able to experiement and find the set-up the fish wanted at a given time of the day. And it changed. When the fish were agressive they wanted bigger minnows and actively jigged go devils.

    When the fish were non-aggressive we managed to keep icing fish by downsizing our baits on the tip-ups.

    Hope that helps.

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