Mille Lacs 15th-17th and my new toy (MarCum VS560)

  • sundogg44
    Eden Prairie/Mille Lacs
    Posts: 228

    See my rather lengthy report in the “ice conditions” section for more details on the multiple wheelers that went through in Sunset Bay – so be careful 1st and foremost!

    Second, I got to put my new MarCum VS 560 to use. And man, what fun it was! It was very, very easy to use and worked great! I couldn’t believe it! And I can actually vouch for the fact that it really, truly works at night! I can only estimate, but I know I saw at least 8 feet with it and might have well been 12 or more feet in pitch black. I was very impressed … to say the least.

    I’m officially going to sell my old Aqua Vu now, so if anybody’s interested drop me a line.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    send me a pm with the price please!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Thanks for the Feedback on the MarCum VS560. I had a feeling you would REALLY like the unit. Wade, you have any units left or are you sold out?

    Eden Prairie/Mille Lacs
    Posts: 228


    Thanks for the Feedback on the MarCum VS560. I had a feeling you would REALLY like the unit. Wade, you have any units left or are you sold out?

    You’re very welcome. I LOVE it and can’t wait to get back up on New Year’s weekend.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Wade, you have any units left or are you sold out?

    I’m actually out of the VS 560 right now and hope to have more soon.

    Mason City IA
    Posts: 52

    i just got mine today.looks like the gtg is goin to be the first chance to see it goin up sure there will other early (CANT WAIT) were you on mille lac?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Thanks for the Feedback on the MarCum VS560. I had a feeling you would REALLY like the unit. Wade, you have any units left or are you sold out?

    The VS560 is in stock again. I also have the VS460 and the VS350 in stock now. I have the LX-5 and the LX-3 ready to ship too.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Still waiting to look under the tree………….

    Posts: 1

    After doing a lot of research I keep finding Ice Fishing references but not a lot for fishing off a boat with the VS560. Has anyone here done any boat fishing with a VS560?

    Eden Prairie/Mille Lacs
    Posts: 228

    Not yet, but I plan to this summer.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    The 560 works excellent out of the boat. I use mine ALL the time. Rarely in the summer am I looking at fish as I do in the winter, rather I use it to look at Structure. Between my graph and my flasher I get a very good idea what a piece of structure looks like. However, sometimes I need to actually “see it” to visualize it.

    There are not to many lakes in the summer that I do not use my VS560. Sometimes I use it to verify the fish I am marking are my target species, but for the most part it is mainly to see what the bottom looks like.

    Because of the design of the 560 you can move almost 4 MPH before you get to much camera movement to see what is going on. The really cool think about the MarCum 460 and 560 design is as I am moving forward across a piece of structure I can look to the side and even backwards, while the camera is tracking forward. By doing so I get a very clear picture of what things look like down there.

    Wade are you still out of Camera’s???

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Wade are you still out of Camera’s???

    Scott, I have the VS 560 and VS 460 in stock now. I actually have a couple of units in the classified ads here. These were display units that are in perfect condition but can save a guy a little cash!

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