Reel Weeds Strike AGAIN!

  • krisko
    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    Ya know I have to laugh at this post about Reel Weeds awhile back… I couldn’t believe all the sucess people were having. So I too bought some and they should be here today. The funny thing is yesterday I went out fishing on a local lake and was in my shack. This is the conversation I heard when a guy set up next to me. He was talking to a guy who was on the ice that he knew from fishing on the lake.

    “Hey what ya got there? Something from your aquarium at home?”

    “No these are something I heard about on that website In-Depthangling, these guys swear by them. It’s Reel Weeds. I just picked them up in the cities and thought I’d give them a shot.”

    “Whatever! That cheap stuff isn’t gonna catch you anything. Plus those guys get paid to push a product…It is like a conspiricy. They just want your money. They work for these companies pushing these products.” (none of the staff here are paid to talk about these products)

    About 30 min later. The guy with the Reel Weeds must have been looking through a camera.

    “I can’t believe it look at all of them!”

    “Yeah whatever….(guys never left his bucket to look)

    a couple minutes later..

    “Well that’s 6 only 4 more.”

    The guy with out weeds again…”ya you are just on one of those cribs…

    “No they are all over these things.”

    10 minutes later the guy left with his limit of 10. The guy was there for a total of an hour and caught 25 fish. The ones he took home were 12″-13″ crappies…and these are good size for this lake. There wasn’t another person in that area that was catching fish unless you were right on the crib…and he wasn’t even close to it. He had a quad pack of the Reel Weeds…So these things work, I’ve been waiting to get them to try them on this lake…and I know they will work great.

    OH and I forgot to tell you the other guy that was the doubter….yeah he had a few words to say about that guy after he left….I can’t post them here though….He definately told me though what he thought about Reel Weeds.

    I never said anything about this website or my knowledege of Reel Weeds. I just stayed an innocent bystander. Any other success stories yet?

    Posts: 1960

    I used them – borrowed from a friend last Saturday. A pal was set up about 15-20 feet waway and he was hammering the gills. I put three reel weeds down and jigged about 3 feet from them. This was in relatively clear water – 18 feet deep.

    My buddy was hammering the gills – about 2-3 to my one. After an hour of this, I pulled the weeds and started getting them at the same rate as him.

    So they may work sometimes, but they are not a cure all. i am anxious to try them again, but I am not willing to run right out and drop the coin for them yet.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    but they are not a cure all

    So correct! …although the picture you’ve painted tells me they should have worked. (I’m not doubting you).

    Gills love cover…and food. I would have liked to have a camera down there to see what was up.

    Let us know how the next trip goes…if we have any ice!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The main purpose of Reel Weeds is to hold fish, not necessarily attract fish. I can really see where the weeds will help in cold front conditions. Winter fish love to run for cover when extreme cold fronts blow in. Lots of experimenting to do this year.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    If fish are holding in an area for a reason, you will be hard pressed to pull them away with anything. Drilling on top of them is really the only answer. As fish start to roam around and feed, that is when the Reel Weeds will become effective. Roaming fish will natually check out the structure, and by nature may hang around a little longer then they would normally. All this does is give you a bigger window to target those roaming fish.

    Anyone who has sight fished has seen this many times. You have fish come through and then they are gone. This is the perfect time to put down the Reel Weeds.

    Other times you may be working fish that are holding to an area for a reason. It may be bait, other natural structure or cover. Good luck getting these fish to move to you without you going to them. In this case, you rarely will need Reel Weeds.

    I have a lot of experimenting to do with them this year. They are not magic, they are a tool. I like to think of them as live bait. They are just part of my ice presentation. Sometimes they will work, sometimes they won’t. But, understanding the fish you are after and what they are doing at the time you are targeting them will go a long way in helping you understand when and where to try Reel Weeds.

    Posts: 1960

    Like I said – I am not writing them off. As long as I have them I will try them and experiment with them until my friend takes them back. It was interesting that I caught more fish as soon as I lifted them – immediately!

    I think that next year will be the perfect time to buy some “for the son”. He will really need them . It’ll be an easier sell to the FW if they are for him .


    otsego, mn
    Posts: 121

    Used my reel weeds last week wed. first time. caught fish and had a big walleye break me off (2#test) while jigging in the weeds. The one thing that surprised me was that when i hooked the eye he swam away from the weeds. I set mine up i a V pattern. Then sat. used them on the big pond with no success if there were fish in the area maybe they would’ve stayed. I’ll try again this weekend sat and sun. Will report sun night.

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    Were can a guy get Reel Weeds over here in western wisc. or aren’t they over here yet Polk Co. PM me if someone knows don’t always get back on the same posts every day, thanks in advanced, like to try them out


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Right off hand, I’m not sure they are out that far yet…

    Send an email to dean at [email protected]

    He can ship them to you…quickly too I might add.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Timmy,

    You’re post was bothering me today…AND I HAVE THE ANSWER!

    Actually, I don’t. There are just too many veriables to consider…

    But the reason of this reply is to share some more tools for what Scott call so accuratly tools!

    One tool when gills are close by is to raise the weeds up off the bottom 4 to 5 feet and then lower them again…repeating a couple of times. The idea is to “lift” some of the silt off the bottom which carrys food particals, blood worms and well, food for the gills. By the way, this doesn’t work real well on a rock bottom.

    Another thing that works well in lakes with nothern populations is a tip up placed about 30 feet away from the weeds. There are times when the pike will hang out there a ways waiting for …well what ever they wait for until the right food comes along/close enough.

    Here’s a good reason to place a tip up out a ways while panfishing.

    Waiting Northerns<<

    otsego, mn
    Posts: 121

    Gat Sportsmens warehouse also has them. If you want go to And they will have a list of stores to buy them from. They do not sell from the internet.

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