Clear lake Ia ice

  • JCK
    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    As much as I am wanting to make it out the the weather is making the ice shakey.The DNR has been making warnings all day on the radio all day and evening news last nite.There was 4 to 6 in before the warm weather and the rain last nite didn,t help.There warnings are saying the north shore will become bad first.I hope everyone uses extreme caution.I might try a couple of shallow perch lakes later in week but right now they might even be shakey.No fish is worth taking chances for so theres a safety saying that we use at work that implies to these conditions.REMEMBER YOU ARE EXSPECTED HOME TONITE

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 334

    Your right Joe as much as we want to be out there its just not worth it.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    get out the long rods…..

    Posts: 525

    Forget about ice-fishing in Iowa for a couple weeks at least. I’ve been thinking about which Mississippi lock and dam to hit next weekend for four days now.

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Thanks for the report Joe
    I just got word tonight that a local dropped the front end of his four wheeler into Iowa Lake.. I guesss He was close enough to shore that they got a rope and pulled him out. I think I will be back on the Des Moines this weekend!

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    I drove along highway 18 today and alot of ponds were showing signs of opening up.I do not know whats the best for us but I think I would just as soon have ice go out and start over.We get a snow cover on whats left and it could be ugly

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 390

    Moe, let us know how you do. Good luck. I’m gonna be hitting a new spot on the wapsi tomorrow and hitting the iowa tonight so I or Luke will report.


    Posts: 14

    I went to the Iowa Lake area and found some good ice on South Silver(8 inches). No fish but I was able to get out. I also went to Trumble Lake near Ruthven,Iowa and found 5 inches of good ice plus some hungry perch there. I know these areas are not close to Clear Lake but wanted to post up. Christmas is coming and I bet there will be new ice toys that need to be tested
    Good luck

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    I think some area,s might have good ice the problem we got around here is clear/silver and rice all have areaters and with the changing wind directions it can make good ice bad quick.I spoke to a reliable local on rice and he told me it was getting to shakey for him.If it would just get cold for a couple nites I think we could with caution have fishable ice.I also spoke with bait shop owner in Clear lake and as 10am sat he had no one stopping for bait.All I want from santa is a couple of single digit nites and I think were in buisness

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