Iowa Lake

  • kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Well, my wife gave me a free pass yesterday and I took advantage of it…

    Heard the perch had been biting before ice season so we thought we would give her a shot.
    I was joined by my brother Eric until mid morning.
    Eric with our fisrt keeper perch!
    My first keeper!
    Fished form 4-7fow just off a point. There wasn’t a steady bit, but when a school would push through it light up my FL-20. I fished an FL-8 before and man I am impressed with this unit. The flat screen is first class Eric and I could move the puck from hole to hole and not move the unit to see the face. In the afternoon it seemed pretty dead I would jump holes around the point to find the fish. This seemed to work better than sitting in one hole. I picked up a few more perch and a couple bonus crappies by doing this.
    It really didn’t matter on what kind of presentation but I think waxworms were the key. Fish were taken on northland buckshot and forage minnows, pilkies all tiped with waxworms.
    I think I had a big northern on. All of a sudden the vexilar turned red by my jig and wake it was on. Funny thing I first thought it was a pe4rch until I set the hook and it wouldn’t budge. I put some more pressure on him, and then he took off like a strike of lightning. Man I wasn’t ready for that one I didn’t get on the back reel fast enough and he broke off.
    All in all it was great to get out for the first time even though the fishing was slow.
    Ended the day with 8 keeper perch that ranged from 10″-12 1/4″ and one crappie.

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    my first keeper!

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    Nice report I might have to make a trip this winter up there 12in perch are nice fish

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Thanks for the report Kirk!

    Posts: 26

    you better be ready to go again this sunday cuz i will have my new SOS and we all no how well that works and might even have my cam too….nice report i wish i could have gone

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    sorry, have not heard of this lake before. Where is is at? Thank-you

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Iowa lake is on the Mn line right off of hwy15

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Thanks, If I recall you guys had straight line winds in that area in July, there was corn laying flat all over the place.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Nice fish Moe!! The water in the picks looks kinda dirty? Just the pic, or is the water dirty?

    Posts: 26

    moe give me a report up there on what the ice is like i want to know if i am gona be able to try my new cam and new sos out let me know

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    Liked your report Moe. Haven’t been there for years but grew up in that area and thought it was a good lake and caught a lot of fish.

    kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Chomps had some nasty storms earlier this yr up to 12″ of rain in some parts of the North Central part of the state.

    Anthony I’ll get you a report later in the week.

    Luke the water visibility is about 2′ so yes it’s a bit cloudy but not necessarily dirty… It might be the pics???

    Old Bear, this lake will keep producing nice perch, walleyes crappie and even pike as long as everyone lets go those smaller fish to grow.

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