Free fish bags

  • fishhook8
    Posts: 7

    If you own a water softner and buy salt, cut the top of the bag on one side dump the salt. I use the bag for carrying my fish home. After cleaning the fish I throw the remains in the bag and dispose of it. The bags are super thick so there is a minnimum of holes created buy the fins. In the winter add snow to the bag it helps to keep the fish from freezing out on the ice.

    Posts: 3239

    That is a great tip. Especially for the disposal

    Thanks fishhook8!

    Posts: 1399

    Super idea, I love it!!! Thanks for the tip….I’ll start using it tomorrow!

    Posts: 1493

    so u season them on the ride home??? BRILLIANT

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I do the same with the air bag from the bait shop.. they are usually very heavy bags and work great for fish transport and waste disposal.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Excellent tip! Thanks!

    Posts: 40

    wow! thats a really good idea i will have to try that next time thank you for the tip!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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