Looking for Doug Ertle (sp?) regarding Cabin Fever

  • jrcunning1
    Posts: 64

    Anyone out there know Doug’s username or e-mail address? Have a group (14 guys) that are going to be up at Hunter’s the same weekend as the IDA bunch. Was wondering if we can blend in (paying of course) for the buffet dinner on Sat night……We have a couple shacks rented from George and thought we might join in on the festivities…Thanks in advance…..
    Can e-mail me @ “[email protected]” or send me a PM..

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    You’re looking for Doug Ertl or Dman.
    I’ll send you his email

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    I am here

    You sure can. Keep an eye on the cabin reliever thread in the Ice fishing forum. We will be getting a close as we can head count a week or so prior.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Matt, shoot J Cunningham an email or PM about fishing, I know he is trying to get a hold of you.

    Posts: 64

    Doug, Matt & Scott….Thanks a ton for all your help. The ice fishing community NEVER ceases to amaze me..Evidently sitting on the ice for hours in the bitter cold in the hope of a bite breeds character….See ya’ll @ Hunter’s…Will be here before you know it….What is the good word up on the Big Pond so far????

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