Ice conditions near Amery, WI

  • slab-hunter
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    Any updates on Big Round, Blake, Wapo or White Ash?
    It’s gotta be getting clear and hard with the weather we’ve been having.


    Posts: 6259

    Closer to Eau Claire area Altoona froze over last night, according to my boss at work that means they will be driving on it in 8 days (they are pretty nuts around here) Wissota has not froze but I would guess the little lake will tonight or tommorrow, it won’t take much to get 3 inches of clear beautiful ice with this weather….

    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    Live here in Amery but haven’t got a chance to check the ice yet, but maybe tomorrow if Iget a chance Will try and let you know either tomorrow or Sun. should be getting better day by day

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    Thanks GAT, I appreciate it.
    You live in Amery!? Lucky guy. That has got to be the best town in NW WI for location to some of the best fishing I know of.
    Do you know if Gen’s has a website?


    Glopaint,Capital Northwest Wisc.
    Posts: 162

    Hey SlabHunter, no I don,t think Gen has a web site, if you’re looking for minnows go north of town to Hwy 8 go straight across there’s a baitshop there Sue there will give you great plenty of minnows for the price of a dozen otherwise not real great deals there just tell Her GEO or Greg sent you she’ll treat you well. APPLERIVER SPORTS


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    Any reports on the ice thickness yet? I’ve got ants in my pants!
    Thanks for the tip on the bait shop on Hwy 8, you know, I’ve driven by it so many times but have never stopped. I’ll give it a go next trip.


    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I will agree that the owner at Apple River sports is very generous on bait. I have heard of people fishing altoona, big round, and some areas by durand. I’m sure you can find safe ice this week and for sure by the weekend on most lakes around amery

    Big E
    Saint Paul, MN area
    Posts: 159

    Slab hunter, I hit White Ash on Sunday. It’s one of the first lakes to lock up in the area — it only had about 3″ of ice. Quality ice, but still a tad thin. I thought with the colder weather it would be closer to 4″. I watched tip-ups a couple hours while listening to the Pack — nothing doing. I hope to be back somewhere in Polk Co. next weekend, so let us know if you have any info.

    Oh… I didn’t do any other scouting. Deer lake was basically open as I drove past, and I would think that most of the other larger lakes probably are as well.

    La Crosse/Amery, WI
    Posts: 62

    Anyone looking for an ice fishing buddy around Amery? I’m coming home from college on the 18th, looking to ice fish as much as possible until I gotta come back down to La Crosse to start up the indoor track and field season.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I will be doing a lot of fishing that way over break. I fish a lot up polk county. What do you fish for? And i go to UWL too by the way, im from the big city of Boyceville.

    Woodville, WI
    Posts: 54

    We had the 4 wheeler out on Wednesday on Pine Lake just north of Baldwin. About 5 1/2 solid inches. Talked to a lot of people who have been out all over the place. Ice is not an issue – Give ‘er hell and good luck!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    Any recient reports from up Amery way??? I have to decide if it’s safe to head out or bail for another weekend.
    HEY GAT! Any reports up that way?

    I have a whole bunch of new stuff from Custom Jigs and Spins that needs water really bad.

    Anyone else have a report?

    La Crosse/Amery, WI
    Posts: 62

    Havent been up there personally, but heard they were running wheelers on some of the waters at the end of that cold snap…I’d stay away from the bigger bodies of water if you decide to go…wapo, balsam

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    Cancelled our trip up there this weekend. Too many friends around Danbury said they weren’t going out anymore.

    La Crosse/Amery, WI
    Posts: 62

    A solid 6″ on wapo this afternoon, was definitely making ice as I was leaving too, gonna try the apple tomorrow…

    Ellsworth, Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    My dad and I have only been up there about 7 times so far this year. Ice is good enough for us. Still thin in some spots but where we have been there’s 5 inches. Hammered the perch on Deer Lake. Thinking about hitting Bone or Loveless in the next couple days.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 329

    OK, I finally made it up there, had to compromise on the honey-do list.
    I was on Big Round and Big Blake today, each had 10″ of good, solid, clear ice. It was creaking and groaning all day so I’m assuming it was making more of the stuff. There were lots of guys on 4 wheelers around all over, (I don’t have one yet).
    One spot I would like to call out is that in the south east area on Big Round there seems to be a large open water spot; at least from what I can see without binoculars, no one is venturing near it so I assume it’s NOT SAFE! Stay clear!!
    Looking forward to many more days of good ice and fishing,
    Slab hunter

    Ellsworth, Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    Was up in the area today. Pike Lake was active. Bluegills and a lot of them though most were real small. So we packed up and went to Deer lake and we caught some nice perch. But you have to stay mobile it truely is the key on Deer Lake. A vexilar is essiental. Was at Horseshoe lake a couple days ago and saw a lot of fish on the camera but they were not biting much at all.

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