First ice reminders

  • matt_grow
    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I found fishable ice tonight and got all excited.
    In the midst of getting out fishing I have a tendency to forget a couple things. Just so you don’t forget:

    Shelter license
    Ice cleats
    Ice picks
    shelter anchors

    Those are the things I always forget, So heres your reminder

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Matt. How far up north were you? Our lows in SE Mn are going to be 2-10 degrees the next few nights so it will be making ice down here too. This will be, what seems to be the first in many years, a year of getting some good thick ice early instead of unsafe ice like the past few years. Look forward to your ”In-Depth On the Ice Reports” this season.
    Thanks, Bill

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    Stay safe everyone…please don’t become a statistic…..I personally won’t be able to get out for a couple weeks (wrestling tourneys with my son) but look out in a couple weeks…I feel much better on the ice this year, 120 lbs lighter, can carry more gear that way!!

    Posts: 1493

    we’ll hafta see about that good safe ice… Lets just hope the snow this weekend doesnt amount to anything
    Have fun take chances boys

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Vike 77—“Have fun take chances boys ” I hope your not talkin’ about taken chances with this ice??

    Posts: 1399


    Vike 77—“Have fun take chances boys ” I hope your not talkin’ about taken chances with this ice??

    Yeah, what do you mean by that? Hopefully not what it sounds like, we don’t need anyone going thru the ice on our site….Don’t take chances is probably what you meant!

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3149

    Be safe and be prepared for anything!!! Good luck guys!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    This time of year i always wear a life jacket under my clothes and keep a VERY long rope in the truck on near by, you just never know

    one thing i always do is the “rock” test. Find a big rock and toss it up in the air, if it bounces your good to go, if not then ya know its not safe havent fallen in when ive done that test yet

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