Even if you can’t find a shack or cabin at hunters, I’d recommend staying elsewhere close by. Whether it be your own drop house, portables, heck, even your truck! 
Half the time that weeekend, we’ll be in a concentrated area out on the ice in front of Hunter’s. Thats where everyone is invited to come by, mingle, have a couple burgers or brats, and go get out on some fish.
The buffet at hunter’s was great last year. Everyone came in for the night, Eat, drink and be merry. 
We had drawings for some really nice stuff. TV’s, Flashers, gift certificates, etc.
And in all that time, The IDA’ers are together. I met so many people last year. Its fun to meet the people I talk to every day. Don’t hesitate to come up for this, even if you’re not really familiar with the lake. If you’ve always wondered and wanted to give Mille Lacs a shot, this is a great opportunity to do so. We had many people last year that had never fished the lake. Needless to say, some of them now fish the lake regularly. If you’re unsure about how to attack the lake, There will be many people you’ll talk to that will be more than happy to get you in the right direction. Its a big lake of many opportunities!
I really want to have a pout fry this year! Hows bout it Tuck?