Moores Bait/IDA Crew Ice Fishing Get Together!

  • david_scott
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I have caught most of my walleyes this year targeting crappies(both rods set for crappies).. When I was targeting the walleyes a fathead on a plain hook seemed to produce the most. A jigging spoon tipped with a head pulled its fair share too. Most of the walleyes are around 14″-17″ or so, there are numbers of bigger walleyes in there according to the dnr reports. I have never got into the bigger ones, but my expectations arent too high to see them targeting crappies with tiny tackle.

    I have a suspicion they run the weedy shallows at night.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well as everything looks I should be there, In fact I think I’m just going to go out early, I have to be in to work at 5:30 so I’d like to make sure I get the fishing time in. I suppose I’ll have to go try and fire up the wheeler, which should hopefully run fine, and I too should be able to cart people and gear around.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    is anyone bringing thier auger?? that way I don’t have to bring my hand one. j/k

    I also have an open truck seat leaving from blaine area if anyone wants to ride along! shoot me a pm and let me know, leaving probably around 10:30 or so.



    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    My propane grill is on the fritz and I really dont want to mess with the charcoal grill. I am strongly considering just bringing some sandwiches or something of that nature.. do have a portable propane grill that works good.. but would probably start on fire from grease before it cooked enough food for a ton of people… decisions.. decisions and how much hassle is neccessary?

    That kind of stinks you have to work at 5:30 Nick!

    I will have a power auger along.. no problem drilling holes. Theres a lot of area to fish. I know exactly where I’ll be once thesun gets a little lower, but I will be bouncing around a bit to help find those daytime fish!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I think I’ll be bringing my gas auger too, I’ll have to fire it up and make sure it’s working good, haven’t run it in months.

    Grill wise can’t help ya, but I’m willing to bring a propane stove, we could always boil some dogs, which is always fine with me.

    I plan to bring some food to share, so if anyone had any ideas, I’m game, hot dogs/buns?, condiments? Cookies (store bought )? Chips?
    Any ideas Dave, brian or peanut gallery?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I have a little portable propane grill here.. It would work well to make up some weiner type products… works for me! I can stop att he grocery store in the morning and grab a few goods.

    Who is all coming? I know aquajoe decided against coming. Myself, Bob Moore, Mr Keb, Black Sportsman and his son are what I know of for sure. A couple others have been messaging me and it sounds like they will be there for sure..

    It could be 10 people, it could be 30… people are being kind of quiet!

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 521

    i shall try to load up my grill in the bed of my truck, but I am not sure how much LP I have left in it some one bring me grub and I can bring the grill how does that sound?

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4040

    Myself and a friend will be there at 11am. Now I have to decide if I need to stop at West Rush on the way.

    Posts: 32

    hey dave i know you fish out on rush alot and i was wondering what time the resort opens. and if we could park there if we get there before they open there bait shop. thanks.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Myself, the kids, and my neighbor should be up there.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I dont think they would have a problem with it as long as you paid them.. on the way back in if neccessary.

    Bigfife.. I’m picking up Bob Moore at about 11 a.m. and heading that way I should be there around noon or shortly after.

    Mike W.. it will be good to meet you! … if we havent met somewhere before and didnt know it that is!

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Looks like I will be cruising up there in the morning too Dave. I hope to meet some new people and catch a few panfish!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well I hope to get out early, if anyone else plans on being out earlier and wanted someone to keep the company pm me a cell number and any details, otherwise I think I’ll just roam around. Until noon time or so.

    I’ll be wearing a grey jacket on a brown wheeler, with a one man fishtrap and the ugliest fish trap cover you’ve ever seen, bright yellow and it’s got some stupid packer logo on it. Throwing beer is the best way to get my attention. …..Then again I gotta leave early for work so I can’t really drink it anyways

    SO I guess I’ll bring some chips and cookies? No one gave me any suggestions…. Dave sounds like you are bring hotdogs?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    My FW wanted to know why I was giggling in my sleep last night…

    I was dreaming that I was kicking Mike Finke’s butt all over Rush Lake…Sorry you didn’t catch any fish Mike…but I was a nice enough guy to give you a limit to take home.

    You guys have a great time out there today!

    I’ll be learning all the light configurations of the ships on the great lakes….

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well I still had a good time, nice to meet some new faces yesterday, nice to see some familar faces again.

    Apparently “someone” finds the need to make an “entrance” completely fliping the ice house and everything else I had with me. My little buddy heater is tweaked, pretty good, I’m fairly sure I can untweak it.

    I ended up missing the two fish I had hooked for a little bit and I wish I could’ve stayed longer, but I screwed up my alarm so I ended up leaving the ice atleast 15 minutes later than I wanted to, so I didn’t have a really good chance to say goodbye. I still made it to work on time with a whole 5 minutes to spare.

    I need to get out again, soon. I should hopefully have a towbar on my shack before then, otherwise I’ll just put everything on the trailer.

    Moores Bait
    Posts: 328

    Thanks to all you who made it out yesterday to Rush lake for some fun in the sun. A special thanks to Fisher Dave for linning everthing up, and lending a hand to get people to and from . A few of us ended up staying till about 9:00 pm with little to show for it . There were alot of lookers (and as Fisher Dave would say “alot who came up just to show off to there friends (crappies that is). It was a pleasure to meet alot of you, and hope to do it again here thru IDA. Once again Burger King won out, where I had to buy a fish sandwich on the way home to substitute for the real deal. Thanks again for coming, and atleast only your pride was hurt Nick .

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    “someone” finds the need to make an “entrance” completely fliping the ice house

    i don’t care who you are, if you couldn’t laugh at that there was something wrong with you. poor nick, he comes flying up and to avoid the tip up he saw, he starts to slow down, ice house sliding everwhere and then over it goes. I bet the seat got close to 20 foot of air as everything else just slides across the ice. that was an entrance all right. way to go Nick, be looking forward to the next ice fishing GTG to see if you can top that one.

    anyway, I also wanted to thank dave for the time spent out on the ice trying to find the fish and the help of getting everyone on and off the ice. also want to thank MNfishhunt for sharing his hut with me, I don’t think I could have stood out on the ice the whole day without getting something cold, but all in all we had alot of fun swapping fishing stories and trying to BK proud. but with all of our go team BK spirit, I do believe that the Finke team prevailed with more fish than us, seeing how we only had 1 in the house for the whole day.

    again, it was nice to see some of the faces and meet the people behind the smart comments, but hey that is what this is all about.

    thanks again, and hope to see you on pond in a few weeks.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    oh I almost forgot, thanks again to love2fish for the car pooling idea, that sure was a $$$ saver, just hope we didn’t mentally damage metromuskie! i am sure that he went home and told the wife that he was driving a mini van and was styling and profiling. so hopefully there will be one in his distant future. thanks for making the ride full of laughs guys, hope to see you out on the ice again soon.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I had fun out there regarless.. everyting didnt go as planned… but thats how days go when the 1st thing you do is put the door back on the minivan that fell off when it was opened to let the kids in?!?

    I caught 4 nice crappies myself(very slow), and some potato chips tp throw back. Manny managed a couple, Bigfife had quite a few.. Mr Keb had a 2 word phrase for me every time I caught a fish containing a 4 letter word for me from a distance every time I caught a fish.. so I dont know how he did?

    There were more people on the lake yesterday than I seen all winter combined..

    It was slow, but it was fun.. hopefully the fish cooperate a little better next time! I forgot the camera as usual, so I have no pictures to show the village of fellow IDA’ers, or to show off the catch(probably good thing )

    It was great to meet you guys out there. We will be crossing paths sometime in the future!

    Nick.. that was quite the entrance! Definately time to get a hitch for the sled! That turn to avoid the tipup and the house started to slide out to the side.. you tried to recover by accelerating but it was too late! The rope hit the rear tire and caught the tread lug and thats all she wrote! That was the most impressive ice house launch I have ever seen! If we ever see one better I hope its not a fellow IDA’er… maybe it could happen to the 2 friendly guys that came and drilled 10′ away from me(with holes drilled everywhere).

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4040

    Man those were good for breakfast.

    The GTG was a great time. It was good to meet other fishermen that are as addicted as I am. Thanks Fisher Dave for putting this together and getting us on some fish. It was great to meet everyone. Nick, that was a spectacular entrance. I am just glad your body didn’t go flying with everything else.

    The fishing was pretty good. I checked all the holes that were drilled, drilled a couple dozen more, and finally found something worth sitting on. I hole hopped in the area, and ended up catching a couple dozen crappies and some perch. Mike, thanks a ton for everything especially fo letting me use the FL-18. It probably doubled the amount of fish I would have caught with the FL-8.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    It was a good time! Lots of bs flowing, which is always the case. Its always good to see a few new faces, even Shanes’s! BK knew team Finke would prevail. With Bigfife as our anchor, we couldn’t loose.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Thanks for getting things put together yesterday Dave. I did end up finding some small crappies about 6 PM. Its always fun to catch fish. Good to see you guys again and put some faces with others. We should do this again some time this winter around the metro.

    Nick. Anything for attention.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 521

    well guys I had a great time drank some beer, bs’ed and never did catch any fish (sounds like my deer hunting) but it was still a blast
    tracking bass it was my pleasure shareing my hut with you sorry I didn’t set up on a better spot
    I had so much fun I might even try to get off work for the G2G up at hunters hopefully there is still space for me! and I agree we should do it again as long as the ice prevailes
    ps. great enterance Nick, too bad you had to leave earily

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Glad I could provide some amusement, my pride is much to big to be hurt by a little event like that.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    As long as that’s all that got hurt Nick..I’m ok with it!

    Well…I guess next year the BK team will have to bring thier fish along too.

    Sure wish I could have been there…if only to watch Nick!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I’ll be up at the mille lacs get together, all weekend, I’m sure that’s more then enough time for me to do another stupid human trick in front of a audience.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Dan, so are you going to be upgrading to a Fl-18 soon?? Good to meet some people out there on saturday. I told some fish stories to Mike about my previous hot spots that fisseled out on saturday. Thanks for the ride down there anyway Mike. Sorry you had to suffer through watching me fish. I ended up with 5 good sized crappies and one nice sunfish that I carved up for my wife’s grandparents that night. They were pretty excited for some fresh fish. I had several hookups that came loose at the hole that would have been keepers too. Now I remember why I need to pull the transducer out of the hole again. Dave had some gentlemen who wanted to help him catch fish I guess, since they pulled up with their 4 wheeler and punched some holes about 10 feet away from him. You handled that better than I would have Dave. I wanted to get back up there again on sunday to find some of those nicer slabs, but I guess I’ll have to wait till next weekend.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    10′ away. Heck I kept checking on dave to see if he was using both sides of his holes.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Yes.. I think 10′ is a pretty generous estimate.

    I held back my comments pretty well considering most of you had only met me

    *That was the hot spot* you know! .. as they walked around with a GPS and tried to figure out a way to justify drilling right on top of me… I’m sure they marked the waypoint anyhow watching me reel up an 11″ crappie driving up!

    Next time it might be handled differently if I dont know them and they werent invited

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yeah I was watching the whole thing unroll, I know I’d have been a little less friendly, the one flaw you do though dave is tossing you fish on the ice, I watched as they pulled up and the one guy tha came over right away started looking at you fish on the ice right away, I put mine in a bucket to help avoid people like that a little better.

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