crank down ice house

  • broncosguy
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    how hard or expensive is it to replace a broken crank cable on a house?


    Posts: 785

    not hard at all- take off the old one and see how its tied to the ends,, measure the lenght, take it with you for size of cable, most hardware stores carry it- maybe even get a little heaverier one if it fits, buy a couple cable clamps to fit that size cable doubled over and your ready to go- Im guessing $15-$20 bucks or less

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    cool thanks . I think I found a cheap Ice house that I can rebuild for 1/3 the price of a new one from a friend. it is 7 X 12. how many holes do you think can comfortably go in there?


    Posts: 785

    stay with 4 – you will find out you will need the floor space depending on the layout- -put 6 in with covers just incase but just plan on using 4 for the time being

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    great thanks for the words of wisdom.

    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 192

    How many holes depends upon your floor set up. we have a 6’6″ x 12′ shack. We can fish 3 outta there, with each of us using 2 holes and it is comfortable! It all depends upon where your door is and the rest of your set up. Our door is on one end of the long side. Go in the door and against the other wall are 2 sets of 3 holes. Each person gets 2 for fishing and 1 for a locator. Then on the back wall you can have 3 more holes but starting on the same side as the door is instead of across from the door. Plenty of room to fish out of. Heater goes opposite corner of the door. We have 2 bunks in it, right next to the door on the long side and fold those up and fish from chairs to fit the 3 people. It is a great set up and really utilizes the space well.
    Now if you mostly want to play cards, drink some brews and party, put a hole in each corner and a big table in the middle and go for it.
    So, it just depends upon how you want to utilize the shack the most.

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