What Am I Missing?

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Just an honest question for the camera guys

    I am not going to get into a (what flasher is the best) and with that said, what under water camera is the best I will make that decision
    If I have the confidence in the falsher that I am using such as; I know I’m on hard pan, mud, sand, weeds, bait fish and on and on What is going to sell me on a camera?
    As most know, I fish the Mississippi 95% of the time with some small lakes on the side. What are you guys looking for that I am missing? A dude always needs new toys. I just would like to know why I need it

    Thanks in advance people


    Posts: 5130

    My opinion
    For our area, they are merely an extra “toy”. I had one for 1 season and found the flasher gave me all I needed. They are fun to use and watch fish though.
    SO basically, you should just go ahead and buy one because you know you want to

    Posts: 135

    1. Identifying exactly what kind of fish those marks on your flasher are.

    2. When the fish aren’t aggresive and just mouthing the bait or sucking it in then blowing it right back out-with the camera when you see them suck it in-Yoink!

    3. Entertainment! Pike are fun to watch on a camera. A lot of times they will just sit there eyeing your bait, then slam it.


    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I used one one time at Stoddard and was amazed at how many fish were actually down there and how much easier it made the fishing. it was really, REALLY awesome to see. We were “selectively harvesting” the fish that were the biggest…all you had to do was pull the bait away from the little ones when they came in and wait for a big guy and watch him slurp it up! I would love to watch bass on the camera during all seasons, because i know that it will give me a better idea of just what it looks like when fish stage on structure, school in wintering areas, etc. I think buying an underwater camera is a great investment, one that I am trying to make right now but there’s a dude ahead of me in line. hopefully he lets me take it!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I’ll catch 10 panfish to your one, with me using a camera and you using a flasher! I’ll put money on it. ESPECIALLY if the fish are negative.

    Have you ever fished for pike with a jig/sucker through the ice? Watching it all on Camera is the only way to do it, because the fish charge in and slam the bait! Best fun on the water, watching your own TV show!!!!

    I can drill a couple of holes and put my tip ups right in the pocket of a weed bed with a camera. If I’m off a few feet, I can see that and relocate. With the camera, I know where to go. With a flasher, you have to keep searching.

    Fishing for panfish on weed flats…….I can drill holes until I find the school by searching with the camera. You can’t do that with a flasher. Not as efficient and effective anyways.

    When a school of panfish, perch, walleyes come strolling through 15 feet away, I can see them on the camera and “call them in” by jigging. With your flasher, you will never know they are there!!!!

    Last winter I took out Metromuskie for some pike and panfish on a south metro lake. He was watching me drill and scope out the weed flat over and over and over again. After about 20 or so holes, I found the school of fish! We caught fish, one after another, after another, after another………Other people were not getting bit!!!

    Some waters, a camera will not help you, because the clarity of that water. However, “most” waters it is a necessary tool!!!!

    Night fishing, it doesn’t work well. Actually tends to spook the fish with the lights on.

    However, day time fishing, you can keep your flasher!!!!!

    Posts: 6259

    On a very slow day I have made it into a productive day by allowing my jig to rest on the bottom and have big gils come in, look at it and gently suck it in/ spit out. If I didnt have a camera I would off maybe caught a few fish and never figured out this presentation. Of course it was a clear water lake! Just one example…..

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668


    I can drill a couple of holes and put my tip ups right in the pocket of a weed bed with a camera. If I’m off a few feet, I can see that and relocate. With the camera, I know where to go. With a flasher, you have to keep searching.

    10-4 good buddy. That was the main reason I bought my camera. I can place a sucker for pike right off a weed point, off the steps of a rock ledge and I use mine pointed down to check my suckers. Pike will sometimes sit and stare down a sucker for some time before snapping. This way I can make sure everything is ok without disturbing the bait and spooking off a pike. Just softly walk by and drop just the lense in the water and take a peak.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037


    On a very slow day I have made it into a productive day by allowing my jig to rest on the bottom and have big gils come in, look at it and gently suck it in/ spit out. If I didnt have a camera I would off maybe caught a few fish and never figured out this presentation. Of course it was a clear water lake! Just one example…..


    I really like to study the feeding habits of fish. What kind of lure movement spooks them, and what type really triggers them. I have had days of open water fishing where I have watched saugers set up on sand humps on the miss in thirty feet of water. It was really clean… and fun to watch them position themselves in the current. They are invaluable tool in studying fish…

    Now, Bret, if you are only fishing the miss backwaters, and it isn’t very clear…I don’t know if I would buy one. But, I don’t go anywhere on the ice without mine!!

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