laker report feb 21 and 22nd

  • AkDan
    Posts: 104

    Well was blow 20mph with gusts over 30mph. temps were in the low teens at best. Ice formed instantly on the auger and my pant legs when drilling holes.

    TO windy to pitch the eskimo travler.

    I did however catch two lakers right at dark, literally. Didnt mark anything till 30 minutes till dark. Nabbed the first fish and third fish. The last two fish came in checked it out and left. Nothing did hang around long enough to check out the tube jigs doing the spoon and switch I wanted to do.

    Also noticed I didnt mark fish till I went to a spoon that really pulsed when jigged hard. basically do 1′ lifts with an occasional as high lift as I can reach to get their attention. Fished a large williams spoon all day and not so much as a looker. Foudn this kind of odd. Must be trying to draw fish from a distance, to far to see but still close enough to feel the vibrations of the spoons pulsating? Didnt find any bait fish where I’ve been seeing them at. Figured that might be why I found no lakers in that area at all.


    Another great day on the ice. Not was windy, colder though. Landed a 24″ football earlier this morning and a nice 28″er this afternoon. Man alive I havent shaken so hard since I drew down on my first whitetail. Even had the opportunity to see the 28″er hit.

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