Well we went out today. Still was hoping I could get the 1 and ONLY STX in Alaska but I am going to just let it go and settle for the model 31 10″ tomorrow.
We had to stop to lay out a set line for burbot while we went farther to a lake to fish for char and bows.
So we proceeded to drill with my buds Eskimo Barracuda.
First hole…
We bottomed out with a 12″ exstension. yes FIFTY FOUR INCHES of solid ice on a river none the less and we still didn’t hit water!!!
Second hole, he managed to get down to about 3′ when she stopped cutting. We were drilling a glacier river (silt). Somewhere in the process of drilling his blades went bad. Took a look at them and you could see where they heated up and must have softened the metal to the point she’s duller then a willow stick. Not good considering we were headed out to fish bows and char right after this lil ‘excursion’. Good thing one of the other guys also had a cuda.
I am sold on the jiffys on the blades alone. Heck I can’t get the auger I wanted shipped up here without going through a hoola dance. Can you imagine waiting 2 weeks or longer for blades???? I’d be suffering major withdrawls!