1/21/06 Ice Report

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    I got out today to fish with casey goode. Today was my first time having success with a tip up this ice season. We have only tried them one other time for about an hour earlier in the year. Today we hit goose island armed with 5 tip ups and several jig poles. budget kept us rather low on bait, but we made it by with 1 can of waxies and a half can of spikes between the two of us. The fish weren’t chomping but they were still in the area we were fishing.They were very finicky and would spook if you looked at them so you had to figure out a way to see them without them seeing you. This was a real challenge when we were in less than 3 feet of water in some areas. it makes it that much tougher when they are just under the ice as well. Fish were not biting to well in the mini crowd that was out there, so i moved about 50 yards away and had a little better success. A small yellow tear drop tipped with 2 spikes caught a few fish, but the best presentation was a purple little mic tipped with a waxie. i caught a lot of fish on this, and then i switched to an orange purest tipped with a spike which finished them off for me. The purest didn’t produce like the lil’ mic, but caught quite a few none the less, including the biggest which was no more than 8 inches. i think casey took 5 or 6 home for the day and i know at least four of them were mine. another cool part of the day was that we had 2 flags on our tip ups. The first one took off spinning, but spit the bait after about 5 feet. about 20 minutes later the same flag went up again, and this time it was spinning wildly when i walked up to it. I pulled the tip up out of the water and held loosely on the line. when it began to dart off, i nailed the fish with a fierce hookset. It fought good but i was surprised that it was quite small, about a 22″ northern. Gave a good fight but nothing special to brag about. However, this was my first northern through the ice. Sounds wierd, but i never fish tip ups and when i do, i catch bass well it was a fun day, and i am looking forward to fishing all day tomorrow, and all day monday

    Posts: 319

    Hey Cade…..I got registered! Wish we could have crossed paths this past weekend.

    check your email.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    hey thats awesome! i replied to your email…looks like we just missed each other Well, i gotta say WELCOME to the greatest fishing site ever. Look forward to seeing some of your posts.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Heres one of the better fish of today….it was about 8-1/2 inches. There were a couple that were slightly bigger, but i didnt take a pic of those. Some fish were literaly less than an inch below the ice making for a blast of a time, even if they weren’t chomping like usual. The reason they are shutting down at goose is because goose has been getting hammered hard by fisherman because it is one of the few places left with good ice. Its not a big area and when people are taking fish after fish, its going to put a dent in the population of course. I hope to fish stoddard tomorrow at least for a little bit, because we have the day off Ill keep you guys updated on how we do tomorrow.
    Good luck out there dudes

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome TJ91. Great to have you with us. Please feel free to share and post all you want.

    Thanks Cade fror the report. Great as always Bud.
    Thanks, Bill

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Got to love the cig butt sitting on the ice… pretty sad that people still do that.

    Reminds yesterday when I pulled in for fast food and saw a guy throwing the straw paper out the window. Why do people think this is alright. I would like to just one time follow the person and then ask them what they were thinking? for now I assume they were not… This could be another thread.

    Sorry Cade – Great fish though!!

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