Anyone else use minnow traps to get their bait rather than buying from the store? One scoop of dog food and a few days later you will have many. I forgot the camera for when we checked it, but I kid you not, we had at least 400 of these guys. Quite a few are small, but you have to sift through them to get the larger ones. Trust me, if you want to save money, try this. Heres a picture of what normally works. We’ve gotten good size bass and Northerns in the mid 30” range on these ones. The big ones are mabey 2-3 inches. They are also very good for perch or crappies on tip ups.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » Trapin’ Shiners
Trapin’ Shiners
Posts: 1399January 20, 2006 at 6:00 pm #413424Hey, I thought I was the only one that knew that dog-food trick! I used to work for Fish Lake Bait in Harris, back in highschool, and the owner taught me that trick. We would put out large 4×8 box traps with a couple handfulls of kibbles and bits thrown in…..sometimes there would be so dang many golden shiners in the trap I had to pull it out with the truck! Oh, that reminds me, just as any other fish or bait….PLEASE take only what you need or can keep alive for a few days….put the rest back and they will always be there when ya need em’!
Thanks for the tip!
January 21, 2006 at 6:05 am #413526Oh yeah I hear you there. I took about 50 tongiht, seeing as I am supplying a few of my buddies for a contest toomroow.
You ever have a problem with bullheads and frogs getting in yours? I actually get frogs, I thought they hibernate.
January 27, 2006 at 9:33 pm #415381This is one of the smaller ones from this batch, I tried another part of the pond. The ones in the bucket are store size or larger guys, all for free.
January 28, 2006 at 3:28 pm #415577The trap is down in the pond yet, but we are bringing it up sunday. I’ll post a few then.
January 28, 2006 at 4:04 pm #415587Thanks,
I have wanted to try this for a long time. Just trying to figure out what to do. I have a ton a creeks and streams that run by the house so I was hoping that I could make use of them. Do you need a lisc. or permit do trap minnows??
January 29, 2006 at 1:43 am #415676Only license you need where I’m from is a fishing license. I’ve trapped them for my own use or friends for years. Yep dry dog food but I also use fish flavored cat food with I think a little bit better luck. Thats not a scientific study though. I use a (Gee) round wire minnow trap with my name tag on it.
January 29, 2006 at 6:33 am #415717Yeah I beilieve you just need name and number, thats all I got.
Got to the pond today, and there were none, NONE! This is the 3rd. time that somebody has taken my shiners. Just like stealing, makes you all pissed off.
January 30, 2006 at 1:58 am #415837Somebody stole your bait???
Time for the snow covered trial camera!!! GET EM
Posts: 525January 30, 2006 at 12:20 pm #415884I have very good luck seining my own shiners, chubs, and fatheads during the summer and fall months. I don’t like running the wire traps because in the creeks around here they get stolen in short order.
Fresh wild bait works better than most baitshop minnows, plus catching them is part of the fun. I’ve caught shiners through the ice on the Mississippi backwaters, but never tried using a wire trap during the winter. I may have to give it a whirl.
January 30, 2006 at 4:02 pm #415957You can use a can of some sort with a home made funnel to catch them as well. I will be using one of those big cans that you get with popcorn along with a funnel made from window screen. Put the cat/dogfood in, like mentioned before, and the shiners swim in but are to stupid to get out apparently. I read this in a book. Im going to try it, see how it works, and then depending how it goes, i might buy a store bought trap which you can get for less than 10 bucks.
January 30, 2006 at 5:09 pm #415970Yeah, people always have problems with minnows being taken. At least there will be more the next day.
I have found that trapped shiners live a heck of a lot longer than store bought shiners, and I have never really used an airator and they still live. Its great.
Cade, did you see the one that I sent you? Thats all you need for shiners.
February 1, 2006 at 7:32 pm #416641hey joe how have you been doing out on altoona. Seems every day off i get its windyer then hell. Are you puting your traps below rod and gun, thats where my dad said he got his 100 years ago.
February 2, 2006 at 5:02 am #416837Hey, havent talked to you in a while. Yeah right below Rod and Gun. I seen you on Tooner one day. We are by the shacks with the two toppers for roofs.
February 2, 2006 at 8:54 am #416858Had one of my Minnow traps stolen last summer. A week later I went back to the creek and there in the ditch near the water was the trap. My guess is they saw my name on the tag and decided better about keeping it.
February 2, 2006 at 7:13 pm #417048Minnow traps can give us some good bait.. but as others have mentioned.. people do like to *raid* the traps, or steal them all together. Not all creeks and rivers are created equal. Some places will produce, and others wont. It takes some time when your 1st getting into it unless you already know some spots.
If your leaving a trap out, make sure you hide it well.
February 2, 2006 at 9:47 pm #417097I have a bunch of streams and small rivers by my house, but i just dont think they have shinners. I know small trout,chubs, and suckers. Guess you just have to try a bunch of places until you find them? Anyone know some places around Menomonie or north of there that they want to share? I have always thought this was a great idea, not that I dont want to support baitshop owners, but when minnows are up to $7 a dozen it seems unreasonable.
Now to be legal…would you have to trap the bait in the same body of water you are using it in?
February 3, 2006 at 3:11 am #417222Tip, thats why I started, because shiners were so expensive. And its not like your doing anything wrong, there will still be a ton of people going to the bait shops. Try the spots you know of anyways, I have found that even gravel pit ponds work.
February 3, 2006 at 8:51 pm #417498End Result, about 6-7 dozen of the guys, I kept 4-5 for myself and freinds. Notice right half, is all shiners, almost no dog food.
February 4, 2006 at 1:17 pm #417705Sweet I am going to try it
Could save lots and lots of $$$$$$$$$
Just have to find a good spot. I wonder if the creek that is about 4′ would be fun to try
Thanks for the pics
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