Here we go boys pics from Chisago

  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Lets try this again,

    Went out last night and got these on Chisago.

    I would love to see what everyone esle was doing

    They hit hard and heavy!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    awesome. Feel free to mount our eat those fish however you like! do you have some more information like depth, lure choice ect…..we all love to hear what is working!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Alright we started off on a different note!!

    I fish the southern most part of the lake, ranging depth from 10′ to 13′. They seem to like the meal worms or larva better than waxxies and I use the lightest line and smallest tear drop possible. I feel em out!! (the Aqua view helps a little)

    Did that go better or was it just me???

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    what did you have for ice thickness. was it uniform around the lake, Roads??? bigger vehicles driving around???
    thanks. what was working for you and depth.
    thanks Jack…

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Glad to see that the previous thread didn’t take all the wind out of your sails.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Hey, I guess you are going to get lashed by me after all!!

    Where is the banner and the ruler? It looks like you could have been on top of the crappie board?

    Great Fish anyways!!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Luke they were only 10″ to 11″

    Wait tell Friday I am going to secert lake code X where the big boys are and I will even remember the logo. I already put it in my coveralls!!

    Posts: 104

    Hey Col,

    There is a lake inbetween Chisago and Scandia that has HUGE crappies in it, well it did anyways. If you want to win and can’t get to red, this would be my second choice. I can’t for the life of me remember the lake. I wouldn’t keep them as they tasted like mud, literally, but catching them was pretty dern easy through the ice. Gonna try and get my old man to send up a fish trap yukon here soon so I’ll be talking to him this weekend, I’ll try and get the name of this lake. We fished the north end of the lake about dead center. Only did it once as the fish weren’t worth eatin.

    Big Marine also had some chunks before they put in the “improved” boat launch on the north side. There are still some nice crappies in that lake however they are much harder to find. West of the island in deeper water we’d find the golden crappies in mid summer. Never could find them come winter, or the walleyes.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    You have to dig deep to remember the name of this lake and send me a pm!

    I will give up a spot for a spot

    Posts: 104

    SPot for spot wont do me any good…I live 3300 miles away in one of the best hunting and fishing areas a guy could live in…..

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Hence the AK? I should have figured! I am kinda slow when it comes to that stuff

    Do you have any pics from there to share with us??

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814


    What do you fish for in the winter?

    Posts: 104

    I live in Fairbanks Alaska. Fish as much as possible, Fly fish mostly in summer, everything from burbot (in spring), pike, shee fish, white fish, grayling, rainbows, dollies, char, and the obvious salmon. Moved up here 10 years ago in the service as requested, did two tours, got out and stayed.

    Normally in winter we fished rainbows looking for char. Without gear I rarely got out of ice fishing until this winter. My buddy bought the eskimo traveler last year and an auger this year. I picked up the LX-5. My goal is to ice a 20lb lake trout by the end of next winter. This winter would be awesome but highly unlikely. The other issue is I am spoiled on big fish now. Who want’s to catch 12″ rainbows in -30 weather even if it is one right after the other. That was the nearsightedness I had.

    As for pics, I do have some however on monday I managed to loose a quite exspensive digital camera heading out to fish lake trout.

    I’ll still give that spot up Col, heck I bet you know of it already anyways if you fish the chisago lakes area much at all. LIke I said, it aint doing me much good is it


    I bet you wouldn’t trade Lino for AK if I told you as I type this it’s -40 out.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    I would trade LINO in a heartbeat!!

    I am thinking about looking for work in AK I would love to leave and try something new.

    Posts: 104


    Alaska is truely a special place, something I dreamed of visiting since I can remember. Used to have quite the imagination back then, still do if you ask my wife . There’s nothing like it and I wouldn’t hesitate to tell someone whose thinking about it to come up and really look things over. A typical outdoors midwesterner (Mn and MI are very very common folks up here), will love it. But I’ll be blunt with you. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss MN!!! All of my family is there. All of my old buds are there. All of my old stoping grounds are there.

    The fishing year round is much more consistent there then it is here by far. Weather and timing plays major roles here come spring through fall. Winter, well you can bet you’ll have fishable ice every winter. Even a warm winter you’d better have exstensions by April. My passion for turkey hunting is my only achillies heel regarding moving to Alaska….it’s truely my only regret of living here but I wouldn’t bat an eye for a second on MN!

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