IDA Ice fishing pics

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    kelly-p Please check your PM’s. It is the little flashing envelope at the top left hand side of the page

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Hey guys,

    I am sorry if I offened anyone here. What I did was what I thought was right. I was 100% legal with the taking of the fish. Now say what you will I truly never meant to offend anyone. I would never and I mean never take game outside what the laws of the land state. Again I was never outside of what I could legally harvest and posses.

    I have reread what I wrote and I did notice that I said and intended to be a tough guy and for that I was wrong. But, I am always as legal as legal can be.

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    Boyz I agree we need to release our bigger fish and practice C&R but I think you guys are coming down a little hard on him. Every one has a number that he feels is a trophy. Musky over 52, Northern over 45 Walleye over 30 but we all don’t have the same number, if he feels they are trophies and worthy for the wall that is his decision. Plenty of fish smaller than them have been mounted and kept for the memories. We all want to catch that trophy and it appears these are trophy fish for him. I’d guess in the future his number for his next mounted Northern may move up to 45 inches but it is ultimately his choice. Congratulation on the nice fish. I guess in the future Colklink83 don’t reveal you fishing spot and you’ll get less abuse. People don’t get as upset if the don’t know them bigger fish are coming out of (their) lake.
    I don’t want to get in a pissing match with all you guys I just think you’re coming down a little hard on him. My 2 cents Whatsa

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Whatsa is dead on. As much as I like to see the bigger fish released I also know you’ll never bring someone over to “this side” by jumping on someone when they decide to harvest what some of us would opt to release.

    So… let’s thank the poster for sharing his pics and report and take a step back. Discouraging the sharing of pics and reports, even if they’re of larger fish once in awhile, would be a disaster if we scare away new members.

    Afterall, we need the new guys to stick around so we can slowly and gradually bring them over to the side of CPR and selective harvest through education and setting good examples. We can’t do that if these guys aren’t here.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Can I get an Amen?!?!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    I’ve never heard of this before. Do you have more details? You might want to start a new post about it… In this forum.

    Some of my questions are:

    What’s a reduced rate?

    Is this advertised around the lake or is it just in the resorts themselves.

    The idea sounds awesome!

    This would be a great idea for the P2 and P4 guides to have as an option.

    Think I could get a 50 inch catfish repo made for under $600?

    PS AMEN!

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Those are some very fish,congrats on your catch.Some people keep trophy fish,other let them go.It’s the angler’s choice.Me,I let them big ones go.The way I look at it is a kid might be able to catch those trophy fish someday.We all go though the my fish is bigger than your fish stage ,don’t we? Yes,I like to catch big fish,but it’s not that big of deal in my life anymore.I’m much more happy to see other less experienced anglers catch fish.Which brings me to this question.Why in the world wouldn’t you have let your wife bring the other big pike in?I’m sure if she was fishing with you she would have liked to bring that nice fish in.
    Ryan Hale

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Wow is about all I can say…I am a little confused by fellow IDA members on this post. This post is heading towards a never ending battle…
    Fishing ethics…What are they???????

    Every single outdoorsman/outdoorswoman has their own!!!!!!

    Yes we can voice our opinion about certain issues or ethical decisions when it comes to keeping fish or releasing them, that is what makes IDA so great…

    my .02cents…

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    that too Alvin…
    How is the Riverpro doing??????

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    What ever Tittanic

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    You mean the Edmund FitzAlvinMack!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862



    You mean the Edmund FitzAlvinMack!?!?!?!?!?!?

    That was a good one Gary!!!!

    a small pond somewhere, MN
    Posts: 3

    I think that in eveyones mind they are trying to say what is wirte or wrong or what someones ethics could be. As I was reading the post on here about what people think is their oppinion. keep in mind though guys although many people practice C&R sometimes u may want to keep two bigger pike to mount and eat. Why condemn someone for this. Are these fish being wasted? No they are not> I understand the feelings about this scenario but lets be honest here poachers take fish illegally all the time and yes they deserve to be repramanded but someone who fishes legally and gets chewed out in my mind is down right dumb. It was through another member that I am colleagues with that told me about the grief this guy was getting. I thought that I would voice my oppinion. I always looked at this site as being one to brag on and share your good fortune but from what I have seen if you decide to keep a big fish or two you should keep your mouth shut and brag over the phone to your friends . So lets all be happy we are catching fish this season

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    welcome to IDA tonymac

    I agree with you as well!!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I agree with your principle tonymac. We all have different values and beliefs, but one thing is the same here @ IDA. We all love to fish . I just think some peoples passions were shown here. That is there right to voice their opinion here, as it was Conk’s right to keep legal fish.

    As long as the fish are taken LEGALLLY and are not over possession or out of the slot limits, there is nothing LEGALLY wrong done here. To each their own.

    Welcome to IDA tonymac Look around and see the trough full of knowledge that is here . Usually it doesn’t get so heated when you take a big fish. Feel free to share any information or stories you have.

    Posts: 588

    Just to clarify my point and be done with this. I never intended to hack on the the poster or bring him down in any way. I gave him a “nice job” on his fish and merley pointed out that I hope he helped the lake by letting one of them pictured fish live to pass on the great genetics. I guess I just feel that the type of sportmen who use this website should be the guys who protect and educate the rest of the fishing community who need it. You know, the jug head who has his picture at the local bait store with 2 or 3 early season 4lb bass, or 3 Wallys that go 5-6lbs ea. If filling your freezer is your objective it is much cheaper to go to the store and do it that way. It is no longer 1972 and our ideals have to progess sometime. Lets be smarter than to assume the DNR is getting it done!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Well guys and gals,

    I think my standards for big fish just went through the roof after this debate!!

    I will join the other side. You made a believer out of me.
    I just hope I can post some more pics for LUKES online ice fishing tournament

    I think everybody got their points across.

    So good luck fishing and if I see you out there GOOD LUCK!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2578

    I think a guy posting a pic of himself holding two limits of 5#+ walleyes from Pool 4 would receive a similar reaction.


    Posts: 588


    PM sent

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    To be honest I was kind of disappointed in this post. Not even sure what size of fish I can post on the site in fear of public lashing. I understand C&R and I do it most of the time, but I have a nothern, a bass, and a crappie on my wall and am still looking for trophy’s just as I am looking to harvest a large ringneck, a trophy whitetail, and if given the chance a nice mule and an elk would be great. Now one complains when they see a bucket of crappies??

    Confused I guess

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Colklink, it is good to hear that you have came to the good side of the force. No more dark ice lord vader!!

    I am glad you weren’t scared away, this is a great site with a ton of great people and great information. I hope we never scare anyone away!! I am glad that this post didn’t get out of hand, and it looks like things are reconciled.


    On a side note, my e-mail filled up over the past couple of days with people wondering where to print off the banner, so I tried to respond to everyone with an e-mail, but if I missed you, here is the link CLICK ME

    Or click on the attachment (above) and the image will open up in a new window, then you can’t print it off!!

    Good luck!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    To be honest I was kind of disappointed in this post. Not even sure what size of fish I can post on the site in fear of public lashing.

    Post and share what ever you like. I got your back.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I would love to you see your photos!!
    I won’t lash at you!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Colink, I would like to extend an honest appology to you. Although i still do not agree with keeping a 40 inch fish, whether it is being eaten mounted or whatever, it is perfectly legal. I still say i would have kept the middle class fish instead, but if you were looking to mount some nice fish, then that is your decision and i can see why you would have chose those fish to mount. Before slop deleted his post, he mentioned bluegills and crappies, and how no body complains about keeping a 10 inch gill, and that is a great point. I kept a 10-1/4 inch gill this weekend that someone gave to me that was already dead, and i felt sick doing it, but i knew that it would make a tasty sandwich and would not go to waste. So i have to say i am as guilty as you are in that sense. I also will admit that i have an 18″ smallmouth bass mounted on my wall right now and i regret that as well. Sure i was only 7 or something when i caught it, but today, if i caught that fish i would put her right back. I also have a 20 inch largemouth and i am working on paying for a 20″ brook trout. They are nice fish but if i could go back, i would have let them all go, except of course that monster brookie. I have not changed my opinion from this post, but i have learned a few things. I know for sure next time i catch a 20 or even 22 inch bass, i know i will look at it, snap a pic, and release her to let off thosands of eggs in the spring. Thats what its all about. The feeling of releasing a true trophy fish kicks looking at a dead one on your wall right in the . anyway, Those are some nice pike, and i would consider them big for sure. i think we can all learn something from this post, and i hope we all can go back to being the great happy family that we always have been

    Posts: 5130

    It is great to see this resolved with out too much bloodshed
    Now we can move on and get back to fishing and sharing tips, tactics, and PICTURES

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