LX-5 shallow water op’s?

  • AkDan
    Posts: 104

    Just curious here on how to use this in shallow water, or more so just barely under the ice. I am using the 20 degree and at 5 feet or so down I just start marking my rig (a airplane jig with a hole herring).

    Most of the fishing I am doing right now is under 20 feet, and really under 15 feet of water though that’s going to change here shortly when I can get out for lakers and whitefish. For now still trying to learn this flasher.

    There is one nice thing about vex that I wish Marcum would do that is the articles on how to’s. I would assume you could read up on the vex how to’s and it would pertain to my lx5 also?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Under 2 ft you will not mark anything I would guess. You have to allow your cone angle to spread out some to get a reading. Try to shorten your transducer cable once and give it a try.

    The area around Zero on a flasher is where everything “happens”. So, you are going to have an area where there is no reading. The info needs to be processed somewhere and they do it in that tiny window each revolution.

    I fished gills in 5 FOW yesterday without a problem. You will lose your bait at 2 ft or so unless you are dropping it down exactly under the ducer.

    How much ice do you have up there??

    Posts: 104


    Thats about what I was figuring.

    We are running close to the 3 foot mark right now. On a normal year (which this is not) you’ll need TWO one foot exstensions to get through by spring. We are gainging light though which means more fishing hours…wooohooo

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