Mille Lacs fishing–Mac’s Twin Bay Resort 1/6/06

  • kmcquoid
    Posts: 17

    We are working hard to keep things on track. The warm weather is not letting the cracks heal as well as we’d like, so we are trying to help Mother Nature along. We have been very fortunate, and haven’t had to close our roads at all this year (or any other year, for that matter).

    Our roads are still open and we are still being cautious. When you come up, do stop in the office for the latest conditions. As of this morning, there are some cracks on main road, so we have rerouted driving a bit.

    Most important is that 10 mph is MAXIMUM speed limit—this is so critical right now that anyone exceeding the limit will be asked to leave.

    As for wheeled houses, since we are still only going out about 1-2 miles, it is getting a bit crowded, FYI.

    We are trying to keep you fishing and having fun but remain safe.

    All our rentals are full for this weekend, but there are some openings coming up this week and next weekend.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Karen, anyone getting any fish down that way. Yesterday afternoon was pretty slow up North.

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291


    Most important is that 10 mph is MAXIMUM speed limit—this is so critical right now that anyone exceeding the limit will be asked to leave.

    leave the lake ????
    i dont think so

    Posts: 788

    do you know what faster speeds do to ice that is not stable? Speed limits are usually posted for safety of others.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Most important is that 10 mph is MAXIMUM speed limit—this is so critical right now that anyone exceeding the limit will be asked to leave.

    leave the lake ????
    i dont think so

    Clearly she meant leave their plowed roads. Kinda like a restaurant or bar retaining the right to refuse service to misbehaving patrons.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Very good James!! it could’nt have been said any better!

    Posts: 19

    I was a non believer too until someone took the time to explain that you actually are creating a pressure wave (water) in front of you (when you go fast on thinner ice) that will actually weaken the ice b4 you drive over it some more. So in addition to THIN ice, you have already cracked or stressed by sending the wave out…..ANYWAY, just be cool out there…
    Old chinese proverb “Truck in water make for sh1++y weekend”

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    they DO NOT own the roads, it is public property!!!!!! a restaurant owner owns that building

    Posts: 2294

    Your wrong!

    The building is not owned by Buzz and Kelly, they are leasing the space. The building IS owned by the same people who own the resort. Kevin and Karen McQuoid. Not that that is anyones business but theirs and it has no bearing on the posted speed limits on the roads they maintain.

    Yes the lake is public, and they maintain the roads for people to use. To access those roads from their resort will cost you $10. Its simple to understand. You don’t want to pay the fee, don’t come across their resort to access the roads. You want to come cross country to use their roads and not abide by their rules for using their roads, go ahead…..they aren’t required to fish your sorry a$$ out of the lake if you go thru either.

    big water
    Andover ,MN
    Posts: 291

    that is correct that is why i will use any road i like. i do understand that the ice is in poor shape but dont tell me i will be asked to leave our lake. or the roads that are on our lake

    Posts: 788

    No they dont have the right. However the DNR officers do have the right if you are infringing on the safety of other people you will be asked to leave and you can be tagged for reckless driving(disreguard for public safety-carries a large hefty fine). This is usually a friendly informative site so lets keep it that way. FF

    Posts: 5130

    I would have to agree on 1 point that gutpile is making, the lake is a public entity.
    BUT, on the other hand, I don’t believe the open criticism toward the poster is needed or warranted.
    To me, it is more about respect toward the resort owner’s. They are out there plowing roads, providing houses, offering fishing info, and trying to keep everybody safe on the ice. If someone else wants to do that on their own time and own expense, get out there and get it done
    I would hope people would at least have enough sense to respect these people for all the work they do. But, there are always going to be people who abuse others and criticize the hard work of others

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    First off, I had said some thing like this before about someone else and I was told that if I did it again that I could be banded from the site. (I have proof.) This is more proof that it’s all in who your friends are on this site. I believe the D.N.R. will say that a resort owner can not charge you to drive on a plowed road on the lake. However the resort owner can charge you to access the lake by crossing their property. 2 things that should always come to mind on the plowed roads are safety and being respectful to one another. Some of you have trouble with both of these rules. One more thing, read this Fox 9 story if you forgot about last year and see if the resort owners want this type of publicity again. Fox 9 news

    Posts: 2294

    One last point on this, and then I’m done, The lake is public, but if a resort builds a bridge across any cracks or pressure ridges, those are not public, and the owner of that bridge can charge you any amount they want to use it. No pay, no cross the bridge.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814

    If I go out and build a bridge over a pressure ridge I can charge people who want to cross it?

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    I’ll add my .02 too.

    God I love when these topics come up!
    Once being a young rebellious type myself, I love it when the self righteous, the law is on my side, you can’t make me pay for that, types spout off.
    Yes the waters (ice) are public, no ones arguing that. And I can see some of you seem to be the ones to jump on the bandwagon about the resorts charging for access to the lake and using the roads they plow and maintain. Your ch. 9 report references.
    They try to assure the safety of their customers on said roads by allowing passage or closing them when not safe. It’s not unusual for a resort to spend $1000 in a week for fuel to plow roads when we get a lot of snow.
    When someone comes onto those roads cross country to say, when they are not open through the resort, they are putting themselves and others in danger, again this is your right but as our former Governor once stated, people that go out on bad ice do little more than improve the gene pool for the rest of us. Have at it!
    You can most certainly access the lake and not pay the $10. Fine I have no problem with you people it is your right. I’ll probably even try to help you if your lives in danger, I feel obligated to do this as a human being. But I will also be one of the people who hope that the divers and tow people really stick it to you for your ignorance!
    Oh by the way, a lot of the divers, retrieval equipment operators and rescue personal you will potentially put in harms way due to your wanting to save $10 and your apparent disregard for the safety of all because “it public waters and they can’t charge me” attitude will pay in the end, maybe even with your life. Lets hope not!
    Oh by the way, you think you’ll be able to get around it cheap, think again, a lot of these same rescue and recovery people work for at resorts! So the next time you’re stuck in a crack or snow bank or in harms way on the pond and a plow truck drives up to check your access slip I hope you have one because they really have no obligation to help you!
    One thing I’ve learned in life is be careful of who you alienate, you may need their services or help some day.
    I can’t believe people are willing to argue about something so petty!
    You drive 100 miles at $2.26 a gallon for gas. Buy bait, tackle, electronics and fish houses for who know how much.
    You get here and have an issue paying $10 to drive on a plowed road.
    Enough said!!!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I can’t believe people are willing to argue about something so petty!
    You drive 100 miles at $2.26 a gallon for gas. Buy bait, tackle, electronics and fish houses for who know how much.
    You get here and have an issue paying $10 to drive on a plowed road.
    Enough said!!!

    Well stated Hooks!

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I Love controversy too, but this one is too easy. Its a common courtesy to pay to utilize and appreciate the plowed roads that someone else put money into. If the above stated is difficult to comprehend, yet understand,……. I’ll pray for you.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    I love you
    You love me
    we’re a happy family
    with a great big hug
    and a kiss from me to you
    won’t you say
    you love me too…

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1814

    I’m just stirring the pot a little.

    I feel much safer driving out of a resort when I’m driving a vehicle on the lake.

    After seeing what the ice was like on the east side of the lake a couple of weeks ago, the resorts work very hard at keeping the roads in the best shape they can.

    They deserve every penny they get.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Dearest “gutpile”,

    I have sworn off posting to almost any internet site message boards/forums in the past year because I simply will NOT respect anyone that can’t sign their entire REAL name to back up their words, advice and opinions. That said….

    Anyone that knows the “Fellegy Lake Mille Lacs history” will verify that you and your attitude had better not come in contact in any form or fashion with me on Mille Lacs ice, waves or within my earshot on shore.

    Steve Fellegy
    Northshore– Lake Mille Lacs

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 49

    so why dont we put this topic to bed and get on with that macs fishing report that i clicked on this link in the first place for….how is the fishing around mac’s i am coming up there on saturday morning…are there big trucks driving around out there?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Agreed. This thread took a left turn from the intended.

    I thank everyone for keeping this thread reasonably clean and for sharing their thoughts. My feeling is we’re likely to see little of benefit if this thread goes much further.

    The worst possible outcome from this post would be to ‘scare’ off the McQuoids from sharing further reports on ice conditions and fishing successes out on the ice this winter. I for one appreciated their contribution and hope to see more from them in the future.

    That’s all for this one…

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