Vehicles go through ice on Prior

  • birddog
    Posts: 1957

    A few vehicles went through on Prior last night. I just don’t get why all 6 vehicles would park together, especially with the poor conditions!



    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405


    A few vehicles went through on Prior last night. I just don’t get why all 6 vehicles would park together, especially with the poor conditions!

    Stupidity comes to mind!


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5603

    I was out there Friday and there was about 8 inches of good hard ice. Plenty to walk on but marginal for any big vehicles. Morons…

    Any idea where on the lake this happened? That spot isn’t going to heal up very quickly with the warm weather we have.



    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Bird dog. There are alot of guys that park on the shore line every year. They are to lasy to walk down from the parking lot. My fauther has watch 3 vehicles get towed out of the lake already this year. (Prior to this.) All in the same spot. You would think they would wise up at some point.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Pretty good set of pictures are now up on


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Looking at that ice compared to the height of the car tires.. it looked like about 8″ of ice(as another person stated I realized after reading article).

    It looks like about 1/3 of that was white(frozen slush) which is about worthless.

    In this case I feel no pity for those who got their vehicles dropped in. I assure some of them knew the ice conditions, others drove out just because *they did*.

    common sense

    I havent even taken out my 4 wheeler anywhere around here because of the sketchy(at best) ice conditions. I check the ice daily around here with the warm up to travel on foot. To drive/park cars and trucks on the ice.. in parking lot fashion?

    Stupidity. I am glad nobody is in vehicles and got hurt.

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