Crappie Pictures-

  • luke_haugland
    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I took my cousins out again Christmas eve, and this morning- I am feeling more like a guide which I really enjoy!! I caught two fish today, and the rest of the time, I was watching my cousin reel in fish. I was checking line depths, hopping the lx-5 hole to hole, and unhooking fish and taking pictures. It was a blast just to watch. Take a cousin/kid fishing, it is more rewarding than catching fish yourself. Today we were fishing in eight foot of waters, fish were on the bottom, small jigs PLAIN!! worked the best. Lake Macbride again… But be careful, ice in some spots is a good eight inches, but I found some wet stuff that was less than four.


    Christmas Eve Fish above

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    All fish today were released.

    We kept four yesterday to eat!!

    Below is brent with a 12″ crappie!!

    Way to go Brent!!!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    You hit it right on the head Luke!


    Take a cousin/kid fishing, it is more rewarding than catching fish yourself.

    Merry Christmas!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Luke. Kids need something to do and enjoy and teaching them fishing has many more rewards than one could ever imagine. Fishing is a hobby, a love, and is something that becomes apart of them forever. It creates a bond between people and is passed on down to generations and generations IF we take the time to take someone fishing. Thanks.
    Thanks, Bill

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Bill- you are so correct. I love fishing and learned how from my Dad, and I love to take other family members fishing.

    I cooked up about five crappies the other day (Christmas Eve morning) for my cousins from new york, as they have never had fresh, fresh water fish. They loved it! I have a cookout once and a while, but I release so many fish (out of an estimated 400 crappies caught already this year through the ice only 13-14 haven’t made it back down the hole.) The cousins I took today, were totally fine with releasing all the fish we caught, and we caught a ton in one hour. I couldn’t keep up with them. There is nothing better than watching their eyes light up, and the “I got one, I got one!!!!”
    In the past two days I have taken four youngins ages 10-16 ice fishing for their first time. One of which fishes a ton out on the coast, and all of the replies were “I like ice fishing more than open water fishing”

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