Willow Lake – Rochester

  • mallard_militia
    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Went out to Willow Lake early sunday morning (12/18) and there was around 8 inches of ices. We ended up fishing about 50 yards straight out from the fishing pier. I drilled some satelite holes, but didn’t do much searching for fish because it was pretty cold.

    I had never fished this lake before seeing that I am new to the area, but heard that there were nice crappies there in the past. My fiance and I caught quite a few bluegills, but they were pretty small.

    I tried using “Gulp” maggots, but they didn’t seem to work as well as the waxies. Has anyone else tried this bait before?

    Fountain City, WI
    Posts: 119

    I was out there also on Sunday for a few hours until slightly after dark, caught many small gills with a few actually getting close to nice size. Would of stayed longer but I forgot to lantern at home as I was in a hurry to get out fishing with my son.

    I also had about as much luck with the gulp bait as you had, never used it much since.

    Not sure about the nice crappies in there have never caught any other than small ones, the same as the perch.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    thanks rcr

    I got out there about 6am and fished until about 11. The bight started about 9 am and lasted until we left. I threw all the sunnies back, but you are right, some of them were getting close. They all looked nice and healthy though. I did catch a couple gills that were pushing about 1 – 1 1/2 inches. I couldn’t quite figure out how they were getting the waxie in their mouth. Oh well, it’s still fun.

    Is there any structure on the lake? I couldn’t find any contour maps online. It is such a convenient place to fish for a couple hours.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25

    I’ve fished willow in the past and can say for a fact “there are big bluegills and crappies'” in there. I’ve never had much luck with the powerbait, my suggestion is to get live bait and look at fishing on the point straight out from the landing or fishing pier if you will. Look for about 15ft of water and don’t botther moving if you patient they’ll meander on through at some point.

    Fished it last year three or four times and had good luck. One nice thing out there is you can drive right to the ice and drop your stuff off. The minute people start cathing big ones you’ll see a lot of Iowa cars out there.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Thanks Deckhand

    There were a couple people that moved out the exact spot you described. Can you drive a 4-wheeler out on the lake. I am assuming not, but thought I would check.

    Fountain City, WI
    Posts: 119

    Go to MN DNR website under lakemaps for olmsted county and view WR6A map this is only contour map I have seen.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25


    Thanks Deckhand

    There were a couple people that moved out the exact spot you described. Can you drive a 4-wheeler out on the lake. I am assuming not, but thought I would check.

    To the best of my knowledge…which isn’t saying much…I don’t think you can drive a vehicle on the Ice. A few years back people were doing it….then they put a stop to it.

    You can back down to the landing and unload all of your stuff, I’ve never had a problem out there. Last year there were a couple of permanents on the Ice, I’ve always been curios how they appeared out there with out the use of a vehicle. It might be worth calling the DNR and asking.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I have a portable and the lake isn’t that big. I could probably use the exercise anyway. I am a pretty big guy, but I know that I couldn’t pull a permanent out there myself. The signs say that there are no motors allowed except for trolling motors, but doesn’t say anything about driving on the ice. I will just leave the wheeler at home and that way i know I will be ticket free.

    Have anyone ever caught any slimers or walleyes out there, or is it just a panfish lake? Is it worth setting up for anything else besides panfish?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Yes, Willow does have some nice sized bluegills. Lots of little ones too!
    I have never heard of anything except largemouth bass, bluegill, crappie, and some catfish.
    You may not drive on the lake.

    Good Fishing,

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    You may not drive on the lake.

    Thanks Mike,
    I am glad you responded because I have been wondering where I can get minnows around here. Looks like I found some.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Jason, HOF ia 1 1/2 miles north of Shopko North on hwy #63 on the right side. Its Bright blue building, can’t miss it.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    We also have fishing reports for the Rochester area on the Rochester forum. First click on Minnesota and then scroll down to Regional Forum – Rochester, MN.

    Good Fishing,


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