This is probably the biggest issue while ice fishing. You go out, you catch a nice mess of fish, you get cleaned off. You take your gloves off and your hands freeze! It really sucks, because once they are cold, they are cold pretty much for good. Just wondering some nice ideas for keeping your hands warm while on the ice. One method i ended up using tonight is sticking your hands in your arm pits. It sounds funny but your pits are really warm and it warms them up fairly well. I also heard once to wear rubber gloves, like dentists under neath you regular ice gear. This way, when you handle a fish or reach in the hole for something, you don’t freeze your hands off. My $0.02 is just simply to avoid taking your gloves off if at all possible but both of the above work well!
Any thoughts?
December 12, 2005 at 11:49 pm