Mille Lacs this past weekend

  • Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Well finally got all the dust off the ice fishing equipment and made a weekend out of it!! Well saturday wasn’t much fun with the wind! I found many of times sitting in my fish trap day dreaming of the warm days sitting in the boat with no wind. Holy wind batman. I am very surprised that I didn’t go sailing across the ice. I was fishing in the same spot that I did really well late in the fall trolling. Well to my amazement I found out why those fish were there. Holy small perch! They are everywhere. At times the Aqua View was full of these tiny perch!! No walleyes for the day just a lot of those perch.
    On to sunday, I decided to go to my other go to fall trolling spot. What a difference a day makes weather wise. Beautiful day. I found my breakline I was looking for and almost immediatley the perch bite was on!! I continued to catch a decent amount of perch throughout the day. (50ish) All in the 8-12″ range!!! I also kept a good meal as well. I wanted to find the walleyes though! As it got darker I moved closer to the break and the walleyes started to move in. The biggest of the day was a fat 19.5″. I think I ended up catching 6 or 7 fish in the peak sunset bite. Then it was time to go!
    I assume the perch are biting on any sharp shoreline break on the lake. I talked with a few other fisherman who also reported great perch action with the occaisonal walleye mixed in. The lake ice is in great shape right now. 7″-9″ of solid ice everywhere I went this weekend, however I did not make it out any farther than about 1/2 of a mile! Its kinda weird feeling walking on crystal clear ice and seeing rock piles beneath you!
    Its shaping up to be a great perch year on Mille Lacs, along with a good walleye year!
    Sorry no pics to show, tough to snap those pics when fishing by yourself!!!
    Good luck to all, and BE CAREFUL!!!!

    Posts: 1573

    Thanks for the report Ranger…I didnt think there was much of a perch hatch this year but this fall the channels were loaded with them.The DNR didnt think there was a good hatch either tell they tested this fall and turns out it was a near record hatch!!The lake will be a perch factory in the years to come.

    Cottage Grove, MN.
    Posts: 290

    The DNR didn’t think…
    Why should they start now! After the waterfowl limits set this year and no other state in the flyway agreeing to do what are DNR did pretty much sums up the are DNR does not know their for a hole in the ICE

    Sorry to vent can you tell I’m still a little BITTER!

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