Mille Lacs mud flats

  • Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    just wondering if anyone has heard of anyone getting out to the flats yet? I’ve been asking around and hav’nt heard of any reports of it yet?

    I think the weather on Saturday, may have kept some from heading that far from shore.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Yep I agree.

    Sunday morning we went out and talked with a couple guys who braved the wind saturday and the one guy told us he couldn’t stand up in his fishtrap or it would start to blow across the ice. He got one bite all afternoon and evening. He said it was so bad he’s not even sure where he fished.

    We managed a few keeper perch on weasel’s and a minnow head, but no walleye’s. Well, next weekend. Only fished a couple hours. Just needed a fishin fix!

    The big house is ready, lets make ice!!!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    We were on a metro area lake sat night. The wind sent the clam 50 yds deposting my equipment along the way.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    I was up at hunter from thursday to Saturday night. Thursday night I fished in 10′ off of hunters point and caught a 25 and a 26 missed on more but that was it. very slow, those were the only 3 fished I marked all night long. green pimple and large shinners were what I was using. 2 on the pimple and one on the shinner, Missed the one on the shinner. Friday morning fished 3/4 in 10′ of water and picked up 3 small ones 15-17 and a couple 10″ perch. then it went down hill quick

    While enjoying the fine morning of fishing and having just a nice time, I thought heck lets go $20 on tabs just for fun. first one $100 sat and had a beer and then decided to go back out and try 2 mile for perch. guy across the bar asked for a lift, sure I say let go….
    here is where it starts to end..

    Lets just say I had one heck of a country song going, lost my dog, sled broke, auger broke, mr heater broke, lantern broke, lost my wallet, all in the next 5 hrs.

    If it wouldn’t have happend to me I wouldn’t believed it.

    Anyway found the dog fixed all my gear and then the wind picked up Saturday so we headed to the west and fished pikes point. Picked up a 22 and 24 plus a bonus eel pout and called it a night.


    we were just waiting for them to fall through, thankfully no one did while we were there.

    No one was going to the flats on Saturday, too windy. Never know what could happen out there with that kind of wind.

    Posts: 2294

    Just got off the phone with a friend who tells me there are some limits being caught out on the mud. Where? I didn’t ask, and he didn’t say, but I can guess because of who it was that was fishing. Anyway…..

    DO NOT be in a hurry to start driving your trucks out there yet. There is 10″ of ice almost everywhere out from Mac’s to Hennipen, but there are areas that are only 4″!!


    Posts: 113


    Look at it this way you got the bugs worked out for the season, some of us don’t even have that accomplished yet

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    That’s pretty much what we were doing too, getting the bugs out! The auger works, new line, heater heats and the wheelers are ready.

    Now more ice, a little snow for banking and we’ll be all set!

    Chriss you coming up for the get together in Jan?

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Sorry, I will be in the Bahamas getting hitched.

    Found out she wants to buy a new fish house with her Bonus from work. Can’t let her get away!

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Well…………Glad to see you got your priorities right!

    Maybe wet a line down there?

    Good Luck and best wishes to the Bride. Does she fully understand the hunting and Fishing bug yet?

    She must, your not going to have an opening day anniversary!

    We’ll leave a few for ya.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    She is well aware of the bug. We are already planning the family around fishing, and duck, seasons. Not openers.

    I love this girl!

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