Well today after church, i headed to goose island along with nick davis and casey goode. We saw lots of guys out while we were pulling up to the spot but we were surprised when we found there was only 2″ of ice
We figured it was too late to wuss out and we really had the fever to get out there so we braved it out. At first it was uneasy, but we got over that feeling and started catching some fish. It was slow to start out, picking up a fish every 10 minutes maybe. Lots of bass to start out. Then we moved back into a lagoon that many of you probably have actually fished before and we started fishing. Same deal, but then i had a tug on my line and i tied into a good one. Popped it through the hole and was surprised to catch a beauty 9-1/2 inch bluegill. Nick left soon after this, but Casey and i stayed for about a half hour and caught probably 15 or 20 more before we left. Most fish were between 5 and 7 inches. I wanted some for the fryer so we settled for a few of those smaller 6″ fish when normally we would let them go. Took home 6 or 7 for the pan. It was a fun day out, should be on stoddard next weekend or maybe shady maple. See you guys out there! WINTER IS UPON US! (keep in mind, the ice still needs to be handled with care. There was a spot where someone had actually gone through a couple days earlier! )
December 5, 2005 at 12:59 am