Pool 8 gills

  • bret_clark
    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    I know alot of you people think I’m nuts, but thats the way I like it
    AmWatson, my friend Dave, and myself picked are way around on pool 8. If you don’t like thin ice, stay home We were on 2-3 inches with some thin spots I wanted to be fishing 50 yards from where we were but couldn’t find a way to get there.
    The best color for me was purple. We caught alot of fish in the 7 inch class keeping a few 8-9 inches. I had one pig at 9.5 We all ended up with some dandy gills.
    Another week of this weather and things should stiffen up

    I had a blast Wats

    Posts: 5130

    It was fun Bret, with a lot of catching being done. I had great numbers, but Bret put the smack down on some true BULL gills. The area we were today is definitely not for the faint of heart or for anybody that shudders at the thought of thin ice My best luck for numbers was perch, for bigger fish it was the same as Bret, purple. I lost 4 ginormous gills at the hole, but I wasn’t going to dive for them today I am looking forward to better ice in the next few days, and hoping to find fish like we found today Here is a pic of Bret with a sample of his big gills

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 183

    Nice gills. Hope to make it down here later in the week. Found only about 2″ on a few small ponds yesterday. I need alittle more than 2″ to feel safe.

    Posts: 43

    Nice gills!!! Yea i headed out today and the ice was very thin. I think we got about 30 together but nothing to big. What part of pool 8 were you guys. I was down in by goose island.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Casey…Looks like they are at stoddard! Yep we were out today
    i got a really nice 9.5 inch pig myself. Fishing wasn’t real great, but it picked up nicely for the last hour….Ill put a post with pics..Yeah ice was only about 2 inches but good hard ice…

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