I need some info, please.

  • bogus
    Posts: 4

    I found this picture of a Ice motor on a boat, and was informed that there’s a video of this rig in action. If anybody recognizes this picture and knows where the link is, I would like to view it.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    That is the scratcher that was at the P10 Ice GTG a couple of years ago…Give either Jon Jordan or Herb a PM and you will get some good info …Jon J i think had the post with the clip of it in action and Herb owns the rig

    Herb ? Will you be bringing it up this year Jan 7th ?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Gee, you mean I could pull 3-ways all winter long in a boat on any body of water I want?!!!

    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the info ecnook, I’ll try sendin Jon a PM.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Bill it looks like you could if you had nothing to do and wanted too, could i go too? Think it burns alcohol or nitro? We could use a can of beer at the end of each line for the lure and you steer and your in control of the fish finder. It’ll be my job to be in control of the anchor and the two way radio.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    That picture was taken before the clutch pack exploded. I can tell ‘cuz there’s none of my blood on the seat.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Thats funny

    He never had any problems with it until you drove it

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Well before you drove it he also said he’d never broken thru the ice with it. Ever. In like 20 years of using it.

    And then you did it 3 times in an afternoon.

    I was laughing my butt off and poor herbie was digging thru his pockets looking for blood pressure meds… lol

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Poor Herbie !!!

    that was a lot of fun !!
    He has never brought it back up here since either…

    That rig had a lot of firsts that year !!!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    lol, its winter and a good cure for cabin fever. Free rides for the bold and brave, others $5

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I remember catching pieces of the pulley system when it blew up on the way out to the ICE GTG.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I could use that baby up here on Mille Lacs. It might work well getting me out and back checking the ice thickness!

    You guy’s from down south! just amaze me sometimes……pretty clever!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I was hoping to cut a trolling path in the ice with that blade for pulling 3-ways.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Oh the memories. I got to figuiring it up the other day, and we had over 1000 lbs of people and gear in that 14 foot jon boat the day we broke through so many times.
    James was right, they scared the begeeberz out of me. Makes one hellofa racket when she breaks through.
    I discovered why the clutch packs were blowing up too. Easy fix. And no, it’s not because James doesn’t drive it anymore.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Don’t let that 12 pak of Mt. Dew in the picture fool you. It’ll run all day on bottled Miller Lite.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    If there’s a video please post it. I’d love to see it in action.

    Posts: 4

    I could imagine the possibilities if a hand could rig up a twin version of that rig. You could motor right on up the boat ramp, and on down the hiway to the next lake!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    We’ve run over frozen penisulas of land with it just the way it sits.
    I no longer have the boat, but if anyone is interested in purchasing the runners and scratcher without motor let me know. The motor did double duty with my power washer, so that’s why the motor isn’t going with it.
    I may post it in the ads section later.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    If there’s a video please post it. I’d love to see it in action.

    I’ll load up that video sometime tomorrow. In the mean time, you will need to install “Quick Time Player” available Free from http://www.apple.com Its a video playing program like “Windows Media Player”, just a differeent format.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Ok, here is the link to the video clip. It shows James driving the scratcher across the backwater ice near PDC at the 2004 get together. I think we are tickling 20-25 mph here. You will need Quicktime player to view and it may take a little while to load up. It’s 3.2 meg.

    Herbs Scratcher Rig Driven by James Holst – CLICK HERE

    Here are a few other shots of the rig:

    Posts: 4

    That’s awesome!!

    Jon, thanks for postin the link and pictures.

    Sounds like a jet takin off, but I’ll bet the ride was great.

    Herb, Let me know your askin price, and I’ll see if it’s in my budget.

    Thanks again!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Just bringing this back to the front for someone.

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