I’m careful. I feel pretty knowledgeable about ice. Made it to 40! I will however not go out alone at this stage. This snow on the ice is going to make it much tougher to feel out. I’ll just spud my way along s l o w l y.
Personally, I would like to see you make it to much beyond 40…Mr. Suzuki! I trust in your experiance with ice but all it takes is once…and no more Schmigs in the spring!
Some people…dad being one of them would push the whole ice thickness thing…he live to 86…I prefer to sit at home a week or to longer an let you guys play with your spuds. Hah! I made a funny!
Dad took his spear house out on the ice after spudding first. Leaned the spud up on the house and started spearing. Wasn’t too long and he saw this spud going through the water in his hole. The sun warmed the metal of the spud and it melted through the ice… Takes all the fun out of it for me…but that’s me.
PS Schmiggs has been sold. Don’t know who the new owners are yet.
PS HEY SUZUKI! Be safe out there!