I thought that is what you were supposed to be doing last year Lenny.
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Pool 10 – GTG “DATE SET 1/7/06″Canceled”
December 1, 2005 at 2:34 am #400253
I thought that is what you were supposed to be doing last year Lenny.
And I did the job wonderfully. Once I got ahold of the Schnapp’s nobody else got their grubby paws on any of it.
December 1, 2005 at 8:28 pm #400484
——————————————————————————–I thought that is what you were supposed to be doing last year Lenny.
And I did the job wonderfully. Once I got ahold of the Schnapp’s nobody else got their grubby paws on any of it.
Ya gotta love it when a man finds his calling
You done good gatordave
December 2, 2005 at 3:43 am #400583OK…here it goes guys…
the weatehr continues to make ice we will have no problem getting out on the ice by ……..
January 7th 2006 !!!!
So there you have it…make your plans for January 7th 2006 and I will post the exact location on Pool 10 as time gets closer…
Stay tuned here
December 2, 2005 at 4:58 am #400608if weather permit like Dave said, count me in. Are we staying at the same hotel? Cant wait to go to the Irish Pud Friday night.
December 2, 2005 at 4:59 am #400610I will be in contact with the motel too…Look for more info here !!!
December 2, 2005 at 1:48 pm #400650That weekend works perfect with my schedule…I’m in
I’ll stay tuned for Hotel location information
December 2, 2005 at 7:05 pm #400767Is Jan 7th far enough away so Nicole will have time to find PdC?
December 2, 2005 at 7:15 pm #400772I suppose I better find a place to stay also. Don’t think I want to walk back to Sparta
December 2, 2005 at 7:35 pm #400785OH NO! Bad weekend for me. How could I miss Chappy’s cooking or getting more DNA samples on the Schnapp’s bottle, or the Irish Pud? Oh man.
Marriage. GTG. Marriage. GTG. Tough one.
Gonna have to work big time on this one.
December 2, 2005 at 9:17 pm #400821On the Motel …..
I am working out a deal with the same Motel als last year…the Brisbois Motor Lodge…as soon as I get a price..I’ll post it here !! or in a new post…or somewhere you can find it
December 2, 2005 at 11:15 pm #400851thanks ECnook…I will see what i can do to get there…Dont forget those nametags! This is going to be a blast!
December 2, 2005 at 11:23 pm #400855I’m going to try to make it this year, but will probably only make it a day trip.
December 3, 2005 at 12:09 am #400872Ederd, we’ll leave the light on for ya!
Emover, I forgot about the direction piece…you brought up a good point…
Might have to have Nicole start out what? A day early…and if we point her in the direction of Duluth…she should find her way just fine…
Putz, just tell boss of putz that you can go to their anniversary next year and your thoughts are with them…how will I ever fish the fishing group without the smell of green peppers, onion and the stench of Lute? ‘spose Nicole could show me the way…
December 3, 2005 at 2:17 am #400896BrianK – Thanks for the vote of confidence
I’m going to bring along a friend, so hopefully she is a little better with directions.
I also know a thing or two about lutifisk – my family tries to get me to eat it every Christmas
I won’t even touch it though – the smell alone is enough to make me wanna hurl, and then when it giggles on your plate
See Ya’ll in a Month
December 3, 2005 at 4:15 am #400920
and then when it giggles on your plate
We ARE talking about the same thing here right?
Guess the only thing I’ve heard describe that way was my belly when I pulled my chair up too close to the table….I can post the picture if you want!?
What’s amazing to me..is that I can drive 5 mile straight south out of my home town (on gravel roads) turn the car around and as my favorite wife…”which way is back to town?” and she won’t have a clue…BUT where I get lost is where she excels….I could driver her around for an hour in Mpls…with a blind fold on…then ask her ‘drive me to the XXX mall (don’t matter which one) and she would drive a bee line there…Just like a bee going back to her hive…it’s just amazing…that I don’t get stung more often!
I, on the other hand can’t find anything if it’s not next to the freeway.December 3, 2005 at 11:20 pm #400996They will Stephanie
You guys better take good care of my dad.
December 3, 2005 at 11:49 pm #401000Stephanie, last year your dad had to take care of a number of knuckle balls.
December 5, 2005 at 6:06 pm #401345Guess I’m going to have to pass on the GTG this year.
I’ll have to show Jeff how to thread lutefisk onto a nuckleball next year.
Fishingmachine, looks like your it for the onions and peppers this year. Our cookoff will have to wait until Evert’s next summer.
Buckshot, Gator, I’ll send a bottle of Phillip’s schnapps with Brian so you can wash that Ice Hole stuff out of your mouth. Brian, bring back the jug with a list of the DNA that’s on it. They’re refillable, you know.
December 6, 2005 at 1:28 pm #401557
Our cookoff will have to wait until Evert’s next summer.
Fishing Machine…I think he knows when he doesn’t have a chance….
December 7, 2005 at 12:14 pm #401888Hey All,
I’ll be looking for volunteers to do some hauling of people out to the fishing location…any volunteers?
Hover CraftsAnything would do just fine!!
Brian Lyons
Posts: 894December 9, 2005 at 2:43 am #402485
Our cookoff will have to wait until Evert’s next summer.
Fishing Machine…I think he knows when he doesn’t have a chance….
I would be honored to help Mary with the cooking,although I must admit I’m no Putz
Just let me know what I can do Mary
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