Here is a link to the statute that
covers methods of fishing that aren’t
kosher in MN.
web page
Notice the “spring loaded device” section….
Also notice that the commisioner has it in his/her
authority to authorize the use of spring devices, its
not something the legislature has to authorize. Ergo –
enough heat on the DNR Commissoner might do the trick.
But – before you all rush out and attempt to apply that
heat – think about this. We’re all supposed to be sportsmen* and women – right? Isn’t part of the “sport” doing it yourself – feeling the hit, setting the hook, landing the fish?
*And I admit that I once considered building one of these…. I find that the feeling the hit is much more
adicting these days.
Big fish – small fish – it doesn’t matter – I enjoy the feeling the “thunk” that comes when the fish takes the bait or lure.