Walked on my Pond!

  • scottsteil
    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I can’t believe the ice we made in two days in Central MN. I was able to walk on my pond last night with almost 3 inches of ice. Now, it is a small pond, but on the way to my deer stand I thought I would check out the Sauk River, Yep, frozen Solid!!! That doesn’t happen this early very often.

    I know it is going to warm up, but wow, that made ice for a couple days. The water temps should be good to go now

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Scott, I don’t have a pond…just the St Croix and that’s not even close to ice over…BUT last night my bird bath froze over!

    Guess I’m a little late on getting the heater in it this year.

    If you want to attract bird over winter (few animals too) a bird feeder will get many of the “normal” birds, finches, cardnals ect….but a bird bath heater will get you some very unusual sightings. For three years now we’ve had a gaggle (?) of blue birds spend a few days around here in Feb…no not blue jays…
    I told that to a bird guy and he wouldn’t believe me until I showed him a picture dated Feb something or other. Ice cicles hanging from the bath and all.

    Kinda fun when you can’t get out fishing..

    Sorry, guess this should have gone in my forum..the bird brain forum!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    wow thats crazy..how deep is your pond and is it spring fed? my friends pond is about 10 feet deep, probably the size of 2 basketball courts and is spring fed. they are starting to see skim ice, but nothing accumlating yet. As of yesterday however, the springs that feed the pond were starting to form into huge ice-icles. This is really sweet because the springs flow down the side of a sandstone cliff into the pond.
    Oh boy I can’t wait to haggle those guys into letting me jig up some of those big trout. Its a blast. We catch 15-18 inch rainbow’s fairly regularly. Its pretty sweet. The only thing is they are big hockey heads so they might not let me drill up their pond.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    It is 10 ft deep and is spring fed, about the size of a basket ball court. I was walking all over it. It was 6 degrees the other morning and the high for the folling day was 21, that makes ice. These 40’s coming are not going to help much at all. Just more time to bowhunt then!!

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I couldn’t beleive the ice we made on Wed. with the wind blowing up to 30. We went out ducking hunting to a pond in the middle of a WMA by 9 in the morning we had to paddle our kyaks through 1/2 of ice. I havn’t been that tired in a long time. But we got our 8 drake mallards so I was proud as a peacock. Absolutely can’t wait for the first ice lake. Won’t be long now scotty!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    ok sorry, i lied…i guess there is more ice on that pond than it looked like the other night..I am going to go check it tonight with the spud. Doesnt look like walking ice yet, but a good inch…no open spots either so thats a great sign!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    just checked it…No walking ice yet on the pond i am familiar with. There is about 1/2 inch all around the pond from what it looks like. However it was sort of dark so i couldnt really tell what it was like in the middle. I think it might be a little thicker out there because the pond is rock lined and the rocks probably were heating up a lot during the day. Like i said, im just surprised that its frozen solid all the way around!

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    little rock lake was froze over completely Friday morning from what I was told. Water temps should be ready like you said Scott.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    BUT last night my bird bath froze over! [end of quote from Briank]

    I can see it now-Briank ice fishing in his bird bath. Couldn’t resist Bud. Way tooooooo gooooooood to pass up.

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