Sven and Ole go ice fishing

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    So Sven and Ole grab the auger and poles and head off to do some ice fishing. Sven drills a hole and hears a voice ” theres no fish under the ice” Hmmm thought Sven so he looked at Ole and Ole said ” here Sven try here” so Sven drills another hole and hears the same voice ” theres no fish under the ice” so Ole says ” is dat you God?” The voice replies ” no you damn idiots, i’m the rink attendant”

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Ole and Sven were out ice fishing and they couldn’t catch a fish. They had been fishing for 6 hours and still nothing. They look over and see two guys catching fish one after another. So Sven walks over there to see what they are doing and when he returns he tells Ole that they have been using the same lures, same bait, same rods and reels. Ole asks why the others are catching fish and they aren’t and Sven replies, “They’ve been putting holes in the ice.”

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