Mille Lacs ice conditions 3-20-05

  • Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    The lake has some snow left on it as of this weekend. You can drive a 4×4 pickup most places on the lake. The ice depth is around 30+ inches……you can still get through without an auger extension…..just barely! Need to watch for lake road banks etc…….bring a shovel along just in case you do get stuck some place. The ice is showing no melt or honeycombing yet! We will need some rain and or a number of warm days to first reduce the snow cover that remains on the lake. The resort accesses should remain open as long as our shorelines hold up. Hunters Point Resort on the eastside of Mille Lacs has road passes for just $5 bucks for the rest of this ice season……..

    If this weather holds we are going to see a late ice out on this lake for sure……..hope it’s off for the may opener!

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