Vexilar Battery Charging

  • deckhand
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25

    I recently purchased a Vexilar Fl-8SE and am quit pleased with it’s performance. That being said I’ve had the battery on the charger for the better part of 9 hours today and the red light still hasn’t come on to indicate it’s fully charged. I did use it today for about two hours but upon taking it out of the box I charged it for 8 hours through the night. How long does it take to put a full charge to these bad boys. My battery is the 9amp battery from vexilar that comes standard with the pro pack. Looking for any info.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I can’t tell you exactly how long it takes but I usualy just put mine on the charger at night before bed and it is always charged by morning even after a full days use. Did it have a full charge when you used it. You should always charge a battery completly before its first use. It will have a lot longer life if you do and thats any kind of battery. I would say that if it is not charged by morning that something is wrong. Good luck.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I’ll look this up again but if my memory serves me right you need to fully charge your battery out of the box and then it will take you 2 hours of charging for every 1 hour of use…

    I’ll check into this further

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25

    It’s only going to get until 1:00 AM then I’m heading to Upper Red to go fishing for the day. The battery charger light comes on when you don’t have it hooked up to a battery, then once upon hooking it up it goes off just like the manual says. It just never seems to want to come back on to show a full charge.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    It’s only going to get until 1:00 AM then I’m heading to Upper Red to go fishing for the day. The battery charger light comes on when you don’t have it hooked up to a battery, then once upon hooking it up it goes off just like the manual says. It just never seems to want to come back on to show a full charge.

    Your battery is fine…..

    Let the battery charge until the chargers light comes back on. Make sure you wait until it gets to full brightness. Charge times can range up to 48 hours for a fully depleted battery.Do not leave the charger connected for more then 48 hours after the light has come on to full brightness.
    Fully recharge the battery after each use the sooner the better……

    Posts: 5130

    If I remember correctly, when I put my battery on the charger for the first time, it did take quite awhile fo the light to come on. After that, I would let the battery warm up a little in the house before recharging. It doesn’t take very long to charge after that unless you really drain it down.

    Brainerd, Mn
    Posts: 3

    I have two batterys one for the vex and one for the rope lights.. the battery for the rope lights gets decharged every time i go fishing after dark and it takes about 24 hours to get it back it life with a vex charger.. hope that helps..

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25

    I’m wondering if anyone has a suggestion for charging your gel cell batteries from the car. I go to URL and Mille lacs a couple of times a year we sometimes stay on the ice I would like to be able to charge the batteries from the car? Open to ideas.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Get a solar charger maybe? very good remote method to charge a battery.

    Posts: 151

    Thorne Bros has a cord with alligator clips on one end and the other end plugs into the cigarette lighter. I picked one up the day after Christams and it works great for charging the vex battery in your vehicle (does the job in about 2 hours).

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 25

    Thanks for the info sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

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