Nubbin, I am no expert, but I have done a lot of looking as I really would like a power auger.
1. Does anyone have info on the Strikemaster Lazer Express model? Is it a significant upgrade from a Mag 2000?
I believe the Mag 2000 has a flat or chipper type blade, while the lazer express has the curved lazer type blade.
2. Was the 3 blade Ultra considered a design failure? We had many issues in Canada with keeping the blades clear of ice. Did the 224 fix this issue? Also, If you could get an Ultra for basically 60% of normal cost, would you?
I think the 8″ 224 has proven to be very good. The 10″ still has some problems, although I have heard Strikemaster is working on them. I am not very well versed on the Ultra, although I remember reading a lot of stuff about them last year. Considering the customer service of Strikemeaster the 60% deal might be worth it.
3. Are 3hp engines notoriously fickle? I’ve fished with guys who owned the 3hp Jiffys, and they always have issues with them. Has there been some improvements the last few years?
From what I have heard the 2hp is plenty for most all circumstances and they seem alot less issue prone than the 3hp models.
I know if had my druthers and the cash, I would have an 8″ 224, or lazermag express, or a Jiffy Steal 2hp 8″. That’s just my wish list. 