Warm Weather – Ice or River this Weekend?

  • Rugbystar
    Marion, Iowa
    Posts: 140

    Alright, looking to try Coralville for Ice fishing or one of the nearby interior rivers Saturday. The Iowa looked wide open from Burlington St down, last weekend the Wapsi was still locked up below Central City but would guess it’s been melting all week. 50 degrees makes me want to don the waders and try the river. Anybody up for trying something?

    Mount Vernon, Iowa
    Posts: 396

    You betcha. Let’s watch the weather. We could wade the Wapsi or I could try to dump the boat below the tubes at C-ville, if the ice is rotten. I’ll call you at the office tomorrow morning sometime so we can coordinate something.



    Posts: 525

    I just checked rivergage.com. The Iowa River below Burlington Street has come up from 10′ to 12′ in the last couple days, and is projected to be at 13′ by Thursday. That might get the walleye moving upstream–rising water and longer periods of daylight get them in to pre-spawn mode. With the ice fishing apparently in the doldrums around IC, I will probably be putting on the waders one day this week.

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