05′ GTG…Thanks IDA!!!

  • ducks4me
    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    I owe someone a thank you. My father and one of his fishing buddies ended up at PDC on Friday and one of you GREAT folks gave them a ride out to Little Missouri. My father doesn’t have a great knee and you saved him from some pain later on in the day. Whomever is responsible please post up…..I would like to thank you personally.

    Also I understand Herb was there and met my father. I bet you two had a good talk about waterfowling or should I say….lack of.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Your dad is a real trooper !! I remember him very well !!
    He mentioned he had a son that was doing some moderating on
    Waterfowl Association of Iowa and Iowa Outdoors I just wish i could have put him on a better bite…When ever he’s looking for some pan fishing thru the ice get in touch with me and I try and do a better job !!

    N.E. Iowa
    Posts: 199

    Dave, Your a true gentleman. I appreciate the ride you gave my dad. He busted up his knee pretty bad in college. He doesn’t let that stop him from getting to where the fish are but he gets there a little slower and his knee gets pretty sore, swollen after a walk like that. I’m looking forward to meeting you face to face so that I can shake your hand.
    Next time he gets up that way I’ll tell him to get ahold of you. Was kind of funny. I was actually in PDC on Sat. afternoon and Sunday morning. It was a short family vacation. We stayed at the Comfort Inn right next to Cabelas. I thought about swing down to the GTG just to say hey but I didn’t think it would be right to leave the family….after all, it was a family weekend and for me to just stop and say hey….well…it usually ends up in me staying WAY to long.
    Thanks again for helping my Dad out! I appreciate it Dave!


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